The Pulse Archives

Stacy Ybarra Evans

by Joshua J. Garza

Stacy Ybarra Evans graduated in the top 10 percent of her class from South San Antonio High School in May of 2003. Evans has been on top of her academic game ever since. She is currently a recruiter/adviser for Palo Alto College, which is where she also began her extensive college career.

Evans began taking courses and working at Palo Alto after high school. She worked as a secretary for the Facilities Department to help pay her way through her first two years of college. Her diligence soon paid off, because she received her associate’s degree in Administrative Computer Technology in 2006.

She continued her academic endeavors by enrolling in courses at Texas A & M University–San Antonio, where she received her bachelor’s degree in Human Relations in 2009. She is currently enrolled as a full-time graduate student in Texas A& M’s Counseling and Guidance program. Evans plans on finishing the program with her master’s degree in May, and teaching courses in late spring.

“It’s been a long process, but it should pay off in the end,” Evans said. “Plus, I enjoy the reading that comes with all this school.”

Evans’ simultaneous dedication to academia and work sets a great example to other college students who struggle every day to attend their courses or ask themselves why they continue doing what they do. Her success also proves to others who are skeptical of community college that it is a strong foundation, which can lead to larger opportunities. She has accomplished so much and is considering pursuit of a Ph.D in Leadership Studies.