Click here for a video orientation to PAC's Assessment Calendar.
Due Date | Event |
August Convocation Week | Departmental meetings:
Chairs/leads will facilitate a key assignment discussion so that all faculty teaching a given course have a plan to identify an existing assignment that is assessable by each core objective the course is responsible for. Faculty will be encouraged to interact with faculty teaching the same course to design a shared key assignment by the end of spring 2014. |
September 2013 | Vice President Tanner and Joseph Coppola meet with academic departments to review the Critical Thinking Skills and Empirical and Quantitative Skills results from 2012-2013. |
Tentative Date 9/30/13 | Faculty will receive notification of students identified for Gen Ed Assessment for Social Responsibility (SR) and Personal Responsibility (PR) in which student artifacts will need to be submitted.
General Education Assessment Faculty Forum-2-3:30pm Pedernales 109. All faculty submitting student assignments for Gen Ed assessment are required to attend. Faculty not in attendance will provide an alternate time to meet individually with Joseph Coppola. |
11/1/13 | Complete program SLO Assessment Reports for 2012-2013 and Action Plans for 2013-14 from Chairs/Leads of CTE, developmental education, and Teacher preparation. |
November 2013 | All departments should revisit Curriculum Maps/ Key Assignments - Chairs/Leads will collaborate with faculty on what assignments are addressing specific SLOs in relation to Fall 2013 Gen Ed competencies/objectives of Personal and Social Responsibility-scheduled by Chairs/Leads |
11/11/13 | Faculty will receive reminder for student assignments to be submitted for Gen Ed Assessment |
12/13/13 | Final deadline to submit student assignments for personal and social responsibility to Joseph Coppola. |
January Convocation Week | Faculty assessors receive Tk20 and faculty assessor training. |
1/20/14 | Dean and VPAA receives list of faculty that did not turn in required student assignments for assessment. |
2/7/14 | 2013-14 Gen Ed Assessors complete scoring for Gen Ed artifacts for SR and PR competencies/objectives. |
3/10/14 | Assessment Findings reported to Deans and Chairs for distribution to faculty |
April 2014 department meetings | Chairs/Leads meet with FT faculty to discuss findings and create desired action plans to close the loop. Action Plans are emailed to Joseph Coppola. |
5/1/13 | Joseph Coppola reports to faculty and staff findings and asks for feedback on closing the loop plans and the assessment process |
Summer 2014 | Summer Assessment Institute for Chairs and Leads |