Kirby, San Antonio Texas

By: Raquel Lopez

Don't Mess With Kirby, Texas


        Picture a bright cool day in the spring. You are driving home from work and anxious to see your son pitch his first game of the season with the town's Little League Baseball team. After the game, everyone plans to go down to the local park for barbecue and more fun. Once evening comes, and all the neighborhood friends say their goodbyes, you drive to your three bedroom, two bath, classic American home. You kiss the kids goodnight and sleep peacefully until morning.

        This sounds like an ideal day for any American. A day without traffic, violence, and continuous noise. Instead, these annoyances are replaced with with courteous driving, laughter, and friendliness. A true reality in Kirby, Texas.

        The city of Kirby can be found in Bexar County of San Antonio in the northeast corner of IH10 and Loop 410 intersection. This small Texas town is approximately 2.2 square miles, according to the city's Mayor, Ray Martin. In the 2000 cencus, the city had a total population of 8,693.

        Have you ever heard of Kirby? My mission is to inform you of the history of Kirby, Texas and what the town is today, to the best of my ability. Also, to encourage current residents or past residents to come forth and share all of what they know or experienced in Kirby. This way the town may be appropriately represented. Today, the internet provides very little about the town's history. I hope to change that with this site, and add some flavor and dialogue to the list of facts the current Kirby websites provide today.


History of Kirby

History of Kirby

Town Stories



Kirby Today

Annotated Bibliography

Additional Websites about Kirby's History

The Handbook of Texas Online

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