Palo Alto plans to expand the Student Center
By Sheri Dodd
Pulse Staff Reporter

Clipart image The expansion of the Student Center is a definite yes, but the exact details are undecided. The center was originally built to accommodate 2,000 people.

“The current enrollment is approximately 6,000 students, and we are still growing,” said Interim Director of Student Activities Jeff Rodriguez. “The proposal for 2,787 square feet at $150.00 per square foot is still being negotiated.”

The current square footage is 3,024. This expansion would bring the total to more than 5,500 square feet and this is only a temporary measure. A new 25,000 square foot building is under consideration.

“The Center is too small,” said Ryan Luersen, a second semester student at Palo Alto. “I can’t even sit down to eat without having to sit outside on the bird-pooped chairs, and more people are still coming in.”

“Sometimes it’s a little crowded,” said Jeremy Blalock, a first time student at Palo Alto, “but the noise is not bad.”

Other colleges in the San Antonio area such as San Antonio College, St. Philip’s College and the University of Texas at San Antonio have all revamped or upgraded their Student Centers, since that’s where most students go to sit down and relax, do some work or eat.

According to Rodriguez, the areas to be expanded and remodeled include the north end of the building, which will extend toward the Social Science Building, and the patio, which will be enclosed. The enclosed patio will house a game room. The student dining area as well as the faculty and staff dining area will be enlarged along with the kitchen and serving area. Also, a better Student Activities Office is on the list of things to be built in the center. All of the items are still in question because of funding.

“The expansion will be very good for us all,” said Sue Valle, the Food Manager at Palo Alto. “There will be new tables and chairs. The tables and chairs we have now are from St. Philip’s College. We got their leftovers. The outside dining area is embarrassing. We don’t really clean it.”

The amount of money granted by the Alamo Community College District for the expansion, was $418,000. “An additional $100,000 originally dedicated to the Palomino Center for renovation has been added to the Student Center expansion. Thus, we have a total of approximately $518,000 dedicated to the Student Center project,” said Pat Terrell, Interim Vice President of Student Affairs. The cost of the expansion is estimated at $418,000.

Even though the project hasn’t broken ground yet, the administration hopes to have the center completed by the Fall of 2003.

Although only a few plans for the expansion of the Student Center are definite, many ideas are being proposed and put into motion. If you would like to offer some feedback, call Jeff Rodriguez at 921-5289 or e-mail

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