Palo Alto to change fat city rep
By Chris Schmidt
Pulse Staff Reporter

Clipart image With Texas becoming one of the fattest states in the United States and San Antonio one of the fattest cities in the state, the Palo Alto Physical Education Department will sponsor “P.E. for Life,” a two-day event to encourage students, faculty and staff to get fit.
The American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance created this national celebration to urge people to get healthy. Vinnie Bradford and Bob Rice, Palo Alto Physical Education instructors, got the idea to hold the event from last fall’s Student Success Week where students had the opportunity to try out classes that they might be interested in.

On Monday, April 15, and Tuesday, April 16, there will be two to four classes offered every hour from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. in the Gymnasium/Natatorium Complex. Classes will include yoga, basketball, aerobics, tennis, fencing, golf, weight training, water aerobics, physical conditioning and volleyball. First Aid/CPR, body fat assessment and information on substance abuse will also be offered.
“I first thought yoga was more of meditation and finding yourself but it is more physical,” said Mark Caraveo, a sophomore Business major. Yoga is a series of stretching exercises with many different forms.

What you should expect to learn from all the classes is how to stay fit, what is a proper diet, and ways to live a healthier life. One thing you will notice in all the classes is how nutrition is stressed.

With this event, Rice wants to get the students at Palo Alto to learn about diet and nutrition as “ways of living a healthier life,” said Rice. With diabetes and weight-related diseases becoming a crisis in the United States, learning about nutrition is important.

These exercises can be done all your life to help you stay fit. With the benefits of staying fit, you reduce the risk of heart attacks and high blood pressure. Exercise also helps to reduce your stress level and makes you feel good.

“The key is to pick something you enjoy,” said Bradford. The more you enjoy your exercises, the easier it will be to stay with it. Also, exercise with a partner to help you stay on track and to have fun.

What some students may not know is that Palo Alto offers students free access to the pool, the gym and the weight room, a value of $30 or more per month.

“The point of the celebration is for students to experience the fun of staying fit,” said Bradford.

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