What was your aunt like?
She was a widow and she was very strict. She raised two of her nephews, her son, and me. she was a seamstress.
What was it like living in Mercedes, TX as a child?
Boring, We where poor and couldn't go to the movies, parks, or anywhere. we could only go to work and school. It was little bitty town even though it used to be called the queen of the valley, I don't know why though.
Did you enjoy living in Mercedes or would you have rather lived in a larger city?
I would rather live in the city ,but i enjoy the country.
What was a typical day like for you as a child?
Get up go to work, go pick cotton.
Did you ever have any free time? if so, where did you spend it?
Yes, I would go to my Grandma's to visit.
Who would you say was your biggest influence as a child?
My grandma.
What were your dreams and wishes as a child?
My dream was for me to get to finish school.

What chores did you have to do when you where a child?
I would wash laundry (with a washing board), cook, and make tortillas.
Where you ever allowed to visit your siblings while you were living with your aunt and uncle?
No, I never did.
What was it like working in the fields?
I used to like it, I used to like to go to work in the fields.
Did any of your friends or other family members work in the fields with you?
Yes, my cousins.
When did you learn how to drive and who taught you?
When I became a widow. My youngest brother-in-law taught me(when I was 28).
At what age did you get your license?
I was 28 and my cousin Lucy took me in her station wagon.
When you think about your child hood and how you grew up, what memory sticks out to you the most and why?
When I left my aunts house cause she was, was so strict and used to use physical punishment on me a lot, she was mean.
You have lived in Texas practically your entire life, what do you like most about it?
I was born here and I am not ambishes, I just go with what god gives me. Here I was born, So here I stay. All of my family is here now: my kids, my grand kids, and my great grand kids.
Do you ever think about moving out of state?
Not really No.
Whenever you would move was it hard to adjust to living in a new town or city and which place did you like best?
It was about the same every where but I like San Antonio the best because it is a bigger city and I have a lot of friends here.

At what age did you find out you had cancer and how did it make you feel?
I was 59 and I felt lousy. I was really sick when I got chemo and Radiation so it made me feel really week and so sick. I didn't really care if I died that's how bad I was feeling but I used to pray to god, that if I got well or if he made me well, I would visit the elderly people at the nursing home where I used to work, but now I thank god so much because I got to meet 18 of my grandkids and 26 of my great grandkids. I've been blessed that I am rich in family and friends. They could kill me for a dollar but I am still rich because I am blessed and that's the way I see it.
You have both retired from work and returned to work several times. Why is this?
Because life has gotten to expensive, the cost of living has gone up and the money social security is giving me is not enough, so I need to make a little more money, so I can pay my bills.
Would you say technology has changed your life for the better or the worst?
Yes, it's made it better.
If you could change one thing about your childhood what would it be?
I would have loved to be raised by my parents.
Is there anything else you would like to add to this interview?
Yes, there is somthing else that I would like to say. I would really enjoy it for my kids, grandkids, and great grandkids to come closer to god.