Margarito Bravo Tovar
Life long hard working since early childhood

San Antonio, Texas
March, 2016
John Martinez
History 1302 - Spring 2016
Margarito Bravo Tovar, born and raised, places lived,
April 20, 1942. Parents Natividad Tovar and Carman Bravo Tovar. 12 Siblings total 5 girls and 7 boys. Mr. Tovar was the second to the oldest.Raised in San Antonio Texas on Medina St and San Fernando, Nurse delivered him at the Tovar house. Went to school all the way to eighth grade. Sold vegetables on the street seven or eight. When he was a teenager he picked cotton,cabbage,and lettuce in the fields on interstate 90 and acme road was where the fields were. 21 years old started working for the sanitation department. 38 he leased a service station or gas station shell gas. Went to Houston when he was 42 years old to do work as a tree trimer. At the age of 45 or 46 Tovar came back to San Antonio and bought a dump truck. He got a settlement from hurting his back working for Tree Trimer Inc. in Houston. From the age of 46 years old he has been running his own dump truck company in San Antonio called Tovar Trucking, today he is 74 years old still working. Married the first time to Mary Hellen Tovar in 1963 in San Antonio at the court house downtown. Had three children Maggie Tovar, Margie Tovar, and Manuel Tovar. Divorced
Second marriage was a common law marriage to Deloris Craigton and it lasted eleven years starting in 1989. No children separated. Third marriage was to Rachel Tovar November 2000, in San Antonio Texas, married at Culerbra Dancehall. No Kids, Rachel passed away. Currently in a relationship with Maria Elva Rodriquez. Non drinker and nonsmoker. Has a variety of religions. Hobby is dancing. Life growing up is San Antonio is the topic. Grandfather in law. The interview was conducted at Mr. Tovar’s house in the Livingroom. The interview was conducted in three hours on Saturday afternoon over two weeks
What are some of your earliest childhood memories growing up in San Antonio?
Playing sports for school like baseball,basketball, and football. All the sports were seasonal and as soon as one ended another started. This helped to pass the time and was fun.
How did you and your family get around San Antonio in the 50's?
We all walked and took the bus, cars where too expesive for my family at the time.
How much was a bad of chips and a soda?
A bag of chips was 25 cents, a bag of popcorn was a dime, candy apples were a nickel, and a bottle of soda which came in a glass bottle was about 5 -7 cents.

How did you and your family live growing up in San Antonio?
We all lived in a crowded one room apartment with a stove and a bed. The bath room and shower were outside one right next to another
Where did you buy all you food?
There was no HEB close, the only thing around was a piggly wiggly.
What has been one of the most rememberable events in you life?
Being apart of the construction of seaworld in 1984.
Was is good for your business to get contrated for the construction of sea world?
Yes very good the money was great. Also meet alot of different trucking companies.

How was the neighborhood that you grew up in?
It was good everyone knew one another. The community worked together and helped each other out.
Was there alot of crime?
No, there was not that much crime. Every day alot of us walked home with no problems.
Where did you buy your clothing from growing up?
Most of our clothing came from the Salvation Army in boxes. My mother would go through the clothing and antthing she did not like she tried to sail for extra money.
Do you think you had a good childhood?
Yes, alot better than kids today. There was not people steeling kids off the streets and you could leave your door open.

Is there anything else you would like to add to this interview?
I remember taking tin from the rail road seal to give to my mother for her hair. So she could use it like a bobby pin. Just for my mother.

I learned that history from generation to generation changes over time. The most important point in this interview was the family history that I learned about my wife’s side of the family. I learned that people did not have all the technological advances that we have to today. Doing this interview showed me that growing up in my life time is easier than the generations before me. Never forget the past in history. Lifelong hard working since early childhood. Mr. Tovar expressed feelings of excitement and moment of hesitation during some of the questions asked. I was not trying to ask emotional questions. With most of the responses that Mr. Tovar gave me was willingly and enthusiastic. Full of excitement during most responses. I think that he liked the fact that this information will be saved for future generation to read. These stories that Mr. Tovar told me, reminded me of a simpler time with struggles in life. I tried verifying stories with web and family resources. To get the most accurate information as possible. Some of the draw backs about oral histories is that if there is no proof than how do you know it’s true. The benefits of oral history is finding out where you come from in history and time. What did it take to make me? I think that oral history is one of the best ways to find out about history through people that lived there lives through history. Firsthand accounts.
- Margarito Bravo Tovar born on April 20th 1942 to Natividad Tovar and Carman Bravo Tovar in San Antonio, Texas
- Raised in San Antonio, Texas
- Attended Santa Maria at San Sava School beginning at the age of six years of old
- Last grade attended 8th grade at Navarro High School
- Began full-time work as a sanitationist for the city of San Antonio as
- Moved to Houston working for a tree triming company. Got hurt and received a settlement than started Tovar Trucking
- Married Mary Hellen Tovar in 1963
- First child born Maggie Tovar
- Second child born Margret Tovar
- Third child born Manuel Tovar
- Still working past retirement age currently.
- Interviewed by John Martinez in March and April
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