Israel Perales

Israel Perales in his tux at a gathering in Rio Bravo Mexico(1960)

San Antonio, Texas

October 24, 2007

Miguel Mendez Jr.

Palo Alto College

History 1302 - Fall 2007



Israel Perales father of three all the way from Rio Bravo Coahuilla Mexico. Born September 21, 1937 and raised on a 500 acre ranch milking sheep and cattle. Living the life he wanted, friends, family, no worries, and no crime in that little town of Coahuilla. Israel Perales is my Grandfather at the age of seventy he is still strong and makes some killer Huevos Rancheros. The three dreams of his were to have a Mexican restaurant, Have an education, and be in the service. All though this did not happen he still lived his life to the max. My grandpa came as a wet back to America and began his adult life in America. He married to my Grandmother Eloina Garcia Perales also from Coahuilla Mexico. I admire my grandpa because he was able to make a living in America. His main goal in America was to have a good working life and wanted to raise a great family. He wanted his children to have the luxury of going to school in the United States. He started selling cars for good money. At least that was good money back in the day. He would buy a car for five hundred dollars and would turn around and sell it for one thousand dollars. When business got slow he started working at the Dickies factory in Eagle Pass Texas. He was able to support his family with the amount of money he was making. The hours were horrible though, from four in the morning until twelve noon he worked, then went to his house to eat lunch, and then went back to work until eight o clock in the evening. My grandpa put up with that for thirty eight years. At times things were a little shaky for the family of five but they were always able to pull it threw and had enough to put food on the table. His duty as being a good father paid off. His daughter Maria is a bilingual educated instructor at NISD. And has masters in teaching. Lorena his other daughter has a criminal justice degree, and Israel Jr. is an elementary school teacher. He also teaches the music course at the elementary school in Eagle Pass Texas. My Grandfather reached his goal of having all his children get a college education.

As a senior citizen he is well known and appreciated in his town of Rio Bravo Coahuilla Mexico. He visits his old town about every two months. Everyone thinks of him like a hero. He was one of the few that made it to the United States and had a middle class family. I know he sacrificed a lot to be successful in America and at the end it was all well worth it.



What were some of the reasons you came to the United States?
Well, the reason that I came to the United States was because since I was a young man I had the dream of living in the United States because I could see that it was a better life. Then God helped me and with time I was able to fix and gather my documents for immigration together with my family and wife. After the years went on, the happiness came well because we were able to have three children. That's why I came to this country. I knew that this country was full of opportunities for the people who wanted it. And I feel very happy and very thankful, first with God then and then United States government.

Cuáles fueron las razones por la cual vino usted vino a los Estados Unidos?
Bueno la razón es que yo me vine para los estados unidos fue que desde joven yo tenía la ansiedad de vivir aquí en los estados unidos porque miraba que era una vida mejor. Entonces Dios me ayudó a que con el tiempo pudiera arreglar mis papeles junto con mi familia y con mi esposa. Ya después a transcurrir de los años llegó la felicidad bastante bien porque llegaron nuestros hijos. Por eso fue la razón de que yo me vine a este país porque yo sabía que este país era un país de muchas oportunidades para uno. Y me siento muy content y muy agradecido con Dios primeramente y con todo el govierno de los estados unidos.

Israel Perales when he was a teenager at the age of fifteen

What were some of the preparations for the journey to America?
Well, the preparations to come to the United States were to get all my documents together. I got them together so when the day would come, I would be set and ready to be able to get my papers fixed. And that was the preparation that I went through to come to America.

¿Cuáles eran algunas de las preparaciones para el viaje a América?
Bueno las preparaciones para venir a los estados unidos fue que yo estube juntando todo mis documentos para poder, el dia que me ablaran, para poder yo tener todos mis papeles lla listos en regal para arreglar mis papeles. Esa fue la razón.

What were some of the obstacles that you encountered during the journey to the United States?
Yes, the obstacles that were presented first to me were the monetary, because it was difficult to gather money, gather all the proper documents, and to be able to travel to Monterey, Mexico so I could fix my papers. I will have to say that once in Monterey, I had to get money sent to me because they extended my appointment and my family had to send me money so I could continue my journey here to America. Thanks to God everything came out the way it was

¿Cuales fueron los obstaculos que enfrentastes durante la jornada para llegar a los Estados Unidos?
Si, los obstáculos que se presentaron fue primeramente lo monetario, porque se batallaba para juntar dinero, para juntar los papeles, par air a Monterey para arreglar los papeles. Si puedo decir que ya estando en Monterey tube que mandar pedir mas dinero porque me alargaron la cita y este tubieron que mandarme mas dinero para poder yo venir me paraca en el pasaje pero gracias a dios todo salio bien porque en esa bes que fui arregle mis papeles osea mi passaporte.

What were some of the economical necessities in order to come to the United States?
Well, I really did not have any economical necessities because I have a sister, that is still alive. And well, she was the one who motivated me and gave me the necessity's to survive the first few days. Thanks be to God it was not difficult to find a job. I found a job in a company that was called Williamson Dickies, I worked there for many long years, 38 years, all my life.

¿Cuáles eran algunas de las necesidades económicas para venir a los Estados Unidos?
Pues las necesidades económicas no tuve muchas porque tengo una hermana, que todavía vive, y este, ella fuel la que me dio apoyo para que me pudiera sostener los primeros días. Pero gracias a Dios no batalle porque agare trabajo en una compania que se llamaba Williamson Dickies, por largos años, 38 años, toda mi vida.

What was left behind in your country?
Well in my country I left all of my friends, my mother my brothers, and everything.

¿Qué fue dejado detrás en su país?
Pues en mi paiz deje todos mis amigos, mi mama, mis hermanos y todo.

What were some of the cultural differences that you experienced once you got here to the United States?
The cultural differences were a lot. First you need to get a custom to the principle things. To be honest with you I did not even know what nickels, dimes, were or even quarters were. I had difficulties distinguishing the coins. In my country, since I'm from a small ranch, we were not use to doing our necessities inside. We would always do it out side in the outhouse. And it was hard for me to get use to going to the restroom inside.

¿Cuales fueron las diferencias culturales al llegar a los Estados Unidos?
Las diferencias culturales fueron muchas porque primero se tiene que acostumbrar uno a muchas cosas principalmente la mera verdad ni conocia ni que eron los nicles, ni los dimes, ni las pesetas porque tenía dificultades para distinguirlas. Y otra de las dificultades tambien de que en mi pueblo, como soy de un pueblo chico de rancho, No estábamos impuestos de los baños adentro par ir a ser las nesecidades. Todo tiempo lo haciamos afuera. Y eso no me acostumbraba par air al bano adentro.

What were some of your hope and dreams for your family?
Well my biggest dreams that I had for my family were that now living in the United States with a lot of opportunities for everyone, I wanted to succeed here in America. I thought everything would be better here in the United States. I mean, I'm not saying anything about my beloved Mexico because I still love it, but I also love it here in America because it has given my family a lot. And I'm very thankful with the nation, it is a great nation, and a nation with a lot of opportunities to anyone who wants to come and work. And behave like a good person and like a also Christian.

document of Israel Perales passport from 2007...

¿Cuales suenos y deseos querias para tu familia?
Pues los deseos más grandes que tenia para mi familia era que, si yo bibiendo en los estados unidos porque sabia bien que era un paiz de Bueno oportunidades para todos que querian triumfara aqui en los estados unidos. yo pensaba que villa ser mucho mas major. Yo no digo nada de mi Mexico porque lo quiero mucho toda villa, pero tabien quero mucho a los estados unidos porque me adado mucho. Y esto muy agradecido con toda la nacion, y es una nacion muy Buena, y da muchas oportunidades a todos que quieren venir a trabajar, y portarse uno bien como ombre. Y como christiano tambien.

What were some of your accomplishments once in the United States?
Well, when I came to the United States, my greatest accomplishments were the birth of my three children which I and my wife Eloina had. The oldest is Maria de Lourdes Mendez, the boy is Israel Perales like me, and the youngest is Lorena Perales. Those were the greatest and biggest accomplishments after everything that the United States has given to me. And I am very happy and thankful with the government and with the United States because I have lived a very enjoyable life next to the people that I desire and love.

¿Cuando llegaste a los Estados Unidos, cuales fueron tus acontesenimientos?
Bueno cuando yo me vine para los estados unidos, que los acontesenimientos mas grandes que fueron, fueron los de mis tres hijos que tuvimos mi esposa Eloina y yo. La Mallor se llama Maria de Lourdes, y el hombre se llama Isral Perales como yo, y la mas chica se llama Lorena Perales, y esos fueron los acontesenimientos mas grandes despues de todo lo que me a dado los estados unidos son los acontesenimientos mas grandes que tengo y a hora pues ellos me a dado muchos nietos tambien . Y estoy muy feliz y muy contento y bien agradecido con el govierno y con todo el pais de los estados unidos porque me a pasado una vida muy contenta y muy feliz al lado de todo mis héroes, con mis hijos, nietos y hiernos que yo amo.

When and why did you become a United States citizen?
I became a United States citizen because I know that there are a lot of opportunities here. Even though that I am at old age I still know I am full with opportunities. And I am proud of being a United States citizen. I feel proud because I owe this country a lot. I repeat myself again, I'm very thankful, with this nation because of all the opportunities that was given to me and everyone else. Thanks to God I was able to enjoy it here together with my hero's and with my children, grand children, and with my son in laws. And with all my friends that I have here in the united states.

¿Cuando y porque quicistes ser un cuidano Americano?
Me ise cuidano Americano porque sabe uno bien que tiene mas oportunidades ounqe lla estoy grande de edad pero tiene uno oportunidades. Y me siento orgulloso de ser cuidano Americano. Me siento orgulluso porque yo le debo mucho tambien aqui atodo este paiz. Y estoy muy agradecido, les buelvo a repetir nueva mente que estoy muy agradecido de esta nacion porque ay muchas oportunidades para todos. Y gracias a Dios de que a podido desfrutar lo junto con todos los eroes queridos con mis ihos, nietos, nietas, Y con mis llernos con todos mis amigos que tengo aqui en los estados unidos.

Is there anything else you would like to add to this interview?
Like I said befor, I love this country.



In this oral history project the most important thing that I learned was that if you want something you will have to work hard for it. And that is true because my grandpa had to work extremely hard to become a United States citizen. And he told me in Spanish, "son if you want really want something in your life it will not always be easy to get it."
The most important point that my grandpa talked about the most was becoming a United States citizen and what obstacles he had to overcome in order to become a citizen. Actually his feelings toward the family and to our country opened up. He talked from the heart and meant everything he said. I could tell by his voice that he was really into the interview and was speaking nothing but the truth.
The story's that my grandfather told me actually touched my heart. He would go into great detail about the hardships he faced in order to come to America. But him making it to America was one of the greatest things he could have ever done.
I really enjoyed this interview with my grandfather because I saw a side of him that I had never experienced. What I mean by that is that he opened up his heart and feelings to what he called the journey to America.
I really think that this is an effective way on learning about the past. Even though it wasn't too long ago that my grandpa became a United States citizen, it can open up your mind and make you really think about how lucky one is to live in the United States and in a well operated environment. Because of my grandfather I myself am a United States Citizen.





The Handbook of Texas Online is a multidisciplinary encyclopedia of Texas history, geography, and culture sponsored by the Texas State Historical Association and the General Libraries at UT-Austin. It was produced in partnership with the College of Liberal Arts and the General Libraries at the University of Texas at Austin. Copyright © The Texas State Historical Association.

Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection. Geographical and historical maps of continents, countries, counties, cities; maps relating to history and current news events. University of Texas Libraries.

Dickies Factory The website is representing how much work and dedication that is put into their company

Rio Bravo Mexico Goes into dept about how the town and the river originated from.

US Immigration Support Focuses on Getting you U.S. passports,United States Visa, and a green card.

Photographs and/or documents on this website were provided by Israel Perales and Maria Mendez. My Grandpa Doesn't remember who took his pictures but he really does not have many. Believe it or not these were the only pictures that he had of himself as a young man.


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