What are your earliest childhood memories?
When I was about 13 years old I remember looking forward to going to the movies "El Reforma" theater on Sundays about 10am. I would help my mom all week long to earn 5 "pesos" now equal to 50 cents. Sometimes my friends and I would walk but most Sundays my dad would take me on the "express" (horse w/ carriage).

How was your house? Indoor Plumbing?
When I was small I remember having a very little house. We had a bed in the kitchen and a sofa in the bedroom. We had 3 rooms in the house and people used to think we were rich because we had cement floors and a toilet the flushed in the house (most people had man made toilets outside). We had running water in the house but not hot water so I remember we had to warm up water on stove and than that a bath in a barrel my dad made.
How old were you when you started working?
I can say I have been working since I can remember when I was 10 years old I helped my mom wash clothes on "Tallador" washing board. Also, I would make tortillas and cook every day so that on Sunday I could go to church and to the movies.
When I 13 yrs old I got my first real job at shoe store as a cashier. I didn't get paid much 100 pesos " equal to $10", I could not keep it. My mom would take it from me and just give me 10 pesos " equal to $1". I did not care because that was still enough for me.

What President do you remember as a child? Why?
Uh? Oh I know Benito Juarez (President of Mexico). I know about him because that was all the teachers would talk about.
Did you have a TV?
I remember we our first TV when I was 13 years old. Before that we would listen to "novelas" on the radio.
Did you have air conditioners/heaters?
We barely had electricity. Plus we didn't need air conditioner it was not as hot as what it gets now. Most of the times we would sleep outside because it felt better then in the house.
What games would you play?
I would play marbles with the boys in the neighborhood.
Migratory Labor? What did you like? Dislike?
By the time I was 16 years old we had already moved to the United States. All we new was migratory labor so our first trip was to the state of Ohio we all work except for mom she would stay home and cook and collect our money. I worked packing onions in baskets after they had been picked. I was getting paid a lot my first check was $250.00 but I worked double shifts. My mom would let me keep $25.00. I did not care because that was enough to go to the movies eat a hamburger and buy me clothes or shoes. My mom saved so much money that when we went back to Del Rio, TX we had enough to buy our house cash and a car.
Major difference between Mexico and United States?
People in the United States live better. In Mexico you eat better. I lived in Mexico as a child and I remember not having a shower we had to warm water on the stove to shower in a barrel or when it would rain we would bathe outside with rain water that was fun. We are spoiled here in the United States.
First Vehicle?
Laughs. You remember the 1980 green ford truck your dad and I bought. I don't even know how we all fit in it. I will never forget that truck, I got my driver license that year

Why did you have 6 children?
I really did not mean to have that many. (laughs) At first I thought your dad and I could not have kids. After I got pregnant with your brother, it was like I was pregnant very year. I always had all my kids around me.

Who influenced you the most?
My oldest sister was my ideal. She was a registered nurse who worked in the United States even though we lived in Mexico she would get paid about $100.00 a week. She had a car and a house.
What regret do you have?
I wished I could have learned to speak in English.I know that it is important to speak it and I would have had better jobs.
Is there anything else you would like to add to this interview?
I have been very fortunate in life. I have my health and hopefully I live long enough to see great grandchildren.