Oscar Landez

The Marine, Reservist, The Family Man

Name of your Interviewee in San Antonio, Texas at the Home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Landez on February of (2012)

San Antonio, Texas


Lawrence Oscar Landez

Palo Alto College

History 1302 - Spring 2012





Oscar Landez was born on November 8, 1936 in
Crystal City, Texas, to Julio and Quirina Landez. He was the eighth child born to his parents. Oscar's highest education is high school in San Antonio, Texas. He met the love of his life, Elizabeth Deane Strickland. They got married on October 11, 1958 at St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church in San Antonio, Texas. They live in South Central San Antonio for a lifetime. They have three children: Lawrence, Patricia, and David, and have six wonderful grandchildren. Oscar is retired from the National Guard as a Reservist since 1980 and retired from Kelly Air Force Base as a Supervisor since 1991. Since his retirement, Oscar has been a lifetime member of the Marine Corps League. Oscar Landez is my Dad. He's been a great influence in my life. He inspires me and that is why I am the man I am.

Biographical information on your interviewee. It should include his/her full name (maiden surname for women too), date of birth, names of parents, number of siblings, where born and raised, places lived, educational level achieved, occupations performed, if married- full name of spouse, when and where married, number of children, and other items of interest. It may include (when relevant): religious and political affiliation, socio-economic status, military status, hobbies, and the interviewee's connection to the topic and to YOU (e.g. relative, friend, neighbor, colleague...). Include the place of the interview (e.g.- interviewee's home in the living room)- the day and timeframe (e.g.- early Saturday afternnon) and the length of the recorded interview (e.g.- s/he discussed title of topic with me for an hour). (MINIMUM-150 WORDS / MAXIMUM- 500 WORDS)




What was your home life like before you went into the Military?
We lived in the Barrio. I went to school. I moved to San Antonio I believe in 1940. At that time, there was a war and everything was lacking. There was a shortage of gas, eggs, and sugar. We used molasses for sugar to eat with your cereal.

When you came to San Antonio, where did you go to school?
I went to (Fox) Tech up to the 10th Grade. After that, I joined the Marine Corp.

What was the highest grade in school?
10th Grade at the
San Antonio Technical School which in now Fox Tech.

My Father and his Parents with his two sisters (Dolores and Virgina).

Where did your parents come from?
Coahuila, Mexico I think. I don't know. I know they were both from Mexico.

How many children did your parents have?
They had about 11 children. Three of them died. Together, including myself, 4 boys and 4 girls.

All the brothers and sister went to school?
Yes, they all went to school

Did you graduate?
No, but I got my high school (Equivalency) Diploma through the Marine Corp.

My Father when he was a young stud. My Father at Kelly Air Force Base with his friends working on an aircraft during his days as an weekend reservist at the National Guard.

When did you join the Military?
January 26,1954

How long were you in the Marines?
Two years in the Marines and I entered into the National Guards in 1960 to work on airplanes until 1980.

Did you go to Basic Training?
I went to the Marne Corp. Depot in San Diego, California.

Did you do any fighting?
No, never went to war.

My Parents before. My Parents after.

How did you meet Mom?
My friends picked me up and I met her. It was a blind date.

Did you take her dancing?
No, I did not take her dancing.

Do you know how to dance?
At that time, I did not know how to dance.

The Original Landez Family! (Lawrence, Patricia, and David)

Were you involved in any school activities?
I was in basketball.

Did you work while in school?
I worked at the Lackland Officer's Club. There were boys in the neighborhood and we worked as busboys.

How much did they pay you?
About 45 cents an hour.

How did you get paid?
I got paid every two weeks.

My Parents and all the Grandchildren. (Shawn Dean Zuniga, Timothy Ashton Johnson, David Joshua Johnson, Brttney Cara Johnson, Evan Noah Landez, and John Ryan Gabriel Landez)

Now that you are retired, do miss work?
No, now I work for my wife.

Do all your former co-workers still call you?
No, now and then, I'll run into them.

Would you go back to Kelly if they asked you?
Yes. I would if they called me.

Is there anything the Marines/Air Force taught you?
They taught me discipline and to take pride in everything you do.

Is there anything else you would like to add to this interview?
No,not at this time.



The way I see my Father.


In paragraph form, answer these questions after completing your interview. Do not include these questions in your analysis. (MINIMUM 250 WORDS)

I learn that my dad did a lot of things in his life and I am proud that he is my dad because of his accomplishments. The most important points in the interview was that he finish his education with the help of the military and was able to have a great carrer in the Marines and the Air force.I learn as well as my mother that when my dad settle in San Antonio, he went back to Crystal City to attend middle school I think in 1950 according to him. My dad is my dad no matter what he does. I'm proud what he does. What son doesn't? My dad is a very calm man. Nothing bothers him. He's very patient. He gives all the dirty work to my mother. The stories of my father tells me that (Military)Service is the best. I remember my father telling me when I was a kid that I was going to be drafted. I told him I wasn't. He call me a "Draft Dodger". According to my father, who ever though that I would become the first Landez to graduate from college. Everything my father said is true. My father never lies, so why should I verify what he said? The benefits of the historical interview is that I learn my father in my eyes is a successful man and he's the man that I look up to. The drawbacks is that my father to my acknowledgement has never graduated the same way I did with a diploma and walking across the stage in a cap and gown. After interviewing my dad, I learn that to be on top, you work hard, start from the bottom and climb your way to the top. This is an effect way of learning.












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