Cemetery Pictures
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Miscellaneous Pictures
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(Left)Paralee Zieger
(2nd Left) Eloise Quinn
(Middle)Woodrow Coward
(2nd Right) Claudine Coward
(Right) Hazel Carr Coe

Names appear from Left to Right. Martha Carr, Eloise Quinn, Mildred Fraiser, Marie McCown, Mary Carr

Albert McCown (1913-1997)
Lonnie McCown's Father.

Memories from Lonnie's father. Click picture to read banner.

One of Lonnie's collection of pictures. Men holding a sign that says highway sicn maint.

Nettie (Lonnie's Aunt).

Lonnie's Aunt Nettie and Uncle Eugene.

The James McGloin home on Round Lake, built in 1855.

Urban Bluntzer (Left), Fanny Bluntzer Arnold (Top), Nicholas Bluntzer (Right).
School Pictures from San Patricio.

Named from Left to Right. Emily Bryden, Ann Timon, Para Lee Carr, Herberta Bryden, Charolette McCown.

Citizens of San Patricio.

McCown Family Picture.

George and Cynthia McCown.

Read about the frontier wowan. (Click on picture to read.)