Bibliography/Sources Cited:

1. Sterling, Claudine: My loving wife, who took all the pictures for this website. Even when it meant trespassing on private property. She also endured the constant grumpy attitude that this pain-in-the-butt assignment often put me in.

2. Flach, Jerry: My uncle, and local rancher who provided the interview for this web site. Jerry was a great source of information regarding the history of Comfort.

3. Sterling, Danny and Aveline: My parents, who provided me historical information about Comfort, newspapers, and whereabouts of historical areas in the town. They also provided their home for the Jerry Flach interview.

4.The Comfort Heritage Foundation: Margaret Morries to be specific. Who provided me with past editions of "The Comfort News" newspaper, as well as other helpful literature. Which was the basis for 90 percent of the text information on this web site.

5.The Comfort News: Comfort's proud newspaper, which provided me with most of the facts stated on the this web site. Specifically, the "Comfort 150th Jubilee Edition" that was given to me by Margaret Morries. That special edition newspaper dedicated roughly an entire page to document the timeline of important events in Comfort's history, from 1846 to 2004.

6.Guide to Comfort's Heritage and Progress: Revised and published by the Comfort Heritage Foundation. Once again, provided by Margaret Morries. This book was a wealth of information on early history, as well as historical sites, homes, and businesses.

7. The Kerrville Mountain Sun: All the newspaper articles and pictures on my Flood page of this website, were all taken from old Kerrville Mountain Sun newspapers loaned to me by Jerry Flach.

Website Citation:

1. The Handbook of Texas Online:
A.Kendall County
B. Ernst Hermann Altgelt
C.Comanche Indians
D.Apache Indians
E. The Battle of Nueces.
F. Enserch Corporation. (Lone Star Gas Company)
G.Comfort Texas
A.Kendall County Historic Markers
B.A page on the Treue Der Union Monument
C.Names on the Treue Der Union Monument
D.Ingenhuett General Store
A.Nueces Massacre
B.Comfort Texas

4.Other Various Web pages:;style=;query=Gemütlichkeit
Ed Steves Lumber Company
Hermann Sons Home for the Aged
Click here for a great website on Texas Flood history.
National Registry of Historic places in Comfort.
http: //
http: //
http://www.mysanantonio. com/news/crime/stories/MYSA031606.01A.ingenhuett_fire.17e9746f.html
http ://
A Comfort Historic Street map from
An account written by Robert Schulz Jr.
A lot of interesting information from Glenn Hadeler
Some information from
Plenty of information and links from





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