Street in Kingsbury

Palo Alto College

San Antonio, Texas

Lindsey Park


Kingsbury, Texas


Interview With Johnny Harborth


Lindsey: How did the town originate?

Johnny: The railroad was what made Kingsbury a town. There was a man that worked for the railroad by the name of William Kingsbury. He bought all the land and started selling it. It became a town in 1877 and was named after William Kingsbury.

Lindsey: Was Kingsbury always a small town or was it big at one time?

Johnny: The towns population has always been somewhere around 500 people but it was a little bigger back when they had a lot here.

Lindsey: What do you mean by “when they had a lot here”?

Johnny: The town use to have a couple hotels, a bank, a meat market, a couple cotting gins, and quite a few general stores.

Lindsey: What happed to all of this?

Johnny: Well the town burned down twice. The first time everything was burned to the ground so all the hotels and stuff are gone. Then they moved across town and rebuilt most of it. What was left from all the stuff is what you see today that is still here.

Lindsey: Since you have lived here all of your life, have you seen much change?

Johnny: Well I went away to the marine core for 3 years and them came back. When I got back I had expected somewhat of the town to change, but nothing changed at all.

Lindsey: There is an old school here that everyone talks about. Can you tell me a little bit of information about it and why it closed down?

Johnny: There were actually 3 schools here in Kingsbury at one time. What is now the Methodist Church was once called the Dale school. Then there was a second school by the big school that is left, but I don’t remember its name. Then there is the big school house that is still here in town that most people talk about. the school was there for a long time, but it only went to the 6th grade and then you had to go to Seguin. The school closed down in the mid 1960’s because there weren’t enough kids to keep it going.

Lindsey: There is talk of a new highways coming right through Kingsbury. Do you think it will change the town?

Johnny: I think it will change the town in terms of traffic through here, but I think Kingsbury will always remain about the same.

Lindsey: Do you have any stories that have been passed down from generation to generation to generation that you could share?

Johnny: I have plenty of stories, but none of them are ones that could be told in a school paper.

Lindsey: Is this a town you would recommend for someone to move to and raise a family?

Johnny: Yes Kingsbury has always been a quiet place and not much goes on here.