Alto College
San Antonio, TX |
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Robert Hines, Instructor Fall 2001 |
Small Town History by
of this Webpage & Special Credit
![]() Geronimo Creek ~ Beautiful and inviting, peaceful and serene. |
![]() The creek warns of its power to become devastatingly treacherous. |
No, this town is not named for the Apache Indian chief, Geronimo. It was, instead, named for the usually serene and inviting, but occasionally treacherous, Geronimo Creek. The creek ran through José Antonio Navarro's ranch which he named "San Geronimo" after St. Jerome. It was from the ranch that the creek derived it's name when Navarro acquired it which was in 1824, five years before the Apache was born.Etlinger, p. 2; "Guadalupe Guide," Seguin Gazette Enterprise, 1981. |
Geronimo is part of two land
grants originally owned by Mexico from about 1821-1836. In 1831,
the Alamo hero, James Bowie, surveyed the 11 leagues of land obtained by
A. M. Esnaurizer. "This land is described as 'The Eleven Leagues
of land on the northeast bank of the Guadalupe embracing the springs called
Tio Geronimo, situated within the colony of Green DeWitt.Weinert,
p. 51 Marjila Chirino, widow of Jose Salinas who
was dead by 1830, obtained two leagues on Tio Geronimo Creek. (Jose Salinas
was not the Jose Maria Salinas who obtained four leagues of land at the confluence
of the Guadalupe and San Marcos rivers.)
This information on Jose Salinas comes from the title Marjila Chirino in Box 119, Folder 10 of the Spanish Collection of the Texas General Land Office. The document is in Spanish and has not been translated into English.Greaser |
1 league = 4,428.4 acres 1 vara = 33 1/3 inches |
for information in this table may be attributed to Carolyn Bading of Geronimo,
and messages to her from Galen Greaser of the Texas General Land Office. |
Jose Antonio Navarro (see
websites below for more information on Navarro) was the Land Commissioner
for Green DeWitt and chose the land to the east of the Esnaurizer grant
for himself.Weinert, p. 51 According
to Guadalupe County Courthouse Deed Records, M. Cherino sold two leagues
of Land to José Antonio Navarro in 1834 for $200.[Deed
Record Book E, pg. 134-137]
Navarro sold part of his land to "Alexander Ewing...for $16,000,Weinert
and part to his brother, Luciano Navarro. [Deed
Record Book O, p. 52, 53]
to a scandal (which can be read about in Carolyn Bading's book when completed)
Esnaurizar's grandchildren had to secure part of the land back in 1898.[2
Abstracts: 1) secured by Carolyn Bading from Robert Raetzsch: A.
W. Pieper by the Donegan Abstract Co.; 2) was left in the house purchased
by Edwin & Carolyn Bading: Louis J. Boenig by the Donegan Abstract
Early Settlers
The Geronimo Creek area
fed by a series of springs, one of which is known as the Tio Geronimo Springs,
has been "coveted by settlers since the earliest days." The pastures
have always been well watered; the water in the creek runs clear; the soil
is deep, black and rich, providing the perfect combination for farming,
ranching and homesteading. Trees grow tall and full providing shade
for homes and pastures. Scattered oaks grace the land while much
is wide open and flat to gently sloping, providing land for crop farmers
that did not have to be cleared. Crops produce an abundant harvest
and grass grows thick and tall on the widespread prairie land. Weinert,
p. 51
The German Immigration began in New Braunfels about 1845 and spread south toward what was to become Clear Springs and east toward the attractive farm and pasture land that was to become the Geronimo settlement. In 1877, Rudolph Tschoepe purchased the land on which Navarro's ranch house stood from Alexander Ewing who was originally from Madison County, Alabama.Weinert, p. 51 Tschoepe's descendants still live on the property today.. |
Many old family names were associated with the early economy which was primarily based upon agriculture, with the central focus upon the cotton gins. The economy was in it's prime from about the late 1800's until the mid 1900's when the gin closed. Local businesses closed as business owners retired and larger neighboring towns became more accessible. The Geronimo economy has been revived in the past five to 10 years with the tourist industry. A growing appreciation for history and nostalgia has resulted in the opening of several novelty and antique shops. The desire of parents to send their children to a smaller school has also been a major factor in the recent growth of the community. |
Agriculture and Gin Companies
In approximately the late 1850's, C. B. Schramm from Germany opened the first gin, horse driven, in Geronimo. E. Schramm found farmers and contracted with them through a written guarantee that they would bring their cotton to his gin. The first recorded account of this was in 1871.
Von Boeckmann, who owned a verein (a German clubhouse), owned land on both sides of Geronimo. He, Timmerman, and another investor bought the Schram Gin, tore it down, then built the Geronimo Gin probably during the 1890's, (top right) and was known as von Boeckmann Gin at the time.minutes of gin company The gin was steam driven and used wood purchased from the farmers to fuel the fire to make steam. By 1900 E. von Boeckmann sold the gin to his sons, Edgar and Charles von Boeckmann.Guadalupe County Courthouse Deed book 15, pages 405-407.
These same investors ventured into other businesses. They ginned their own cotton first which angered the other farmers. C. Bading
[After the gin closed, the building was converted into a gymnasium for Navarro School. It served as the Evan's Honey Shack for a few years in the 1960's and 1970's. It is currently Geronimo Antiques. (bottom right)]
The Farmers' Union Gin bought out the von Boeckmann Gin in 1917 and both gins were used both at the same time. In 1920, The board of directors officially adopted the name "The Geronimo Gin Company" and a seal was made. The simultaneous operation of the two gins continued for several years until the directors closed the original gin (Farmers' Union) and continued ginning with the improved Geronimo Gin.
The Geronimo Gin North Seed House was known as "The Eagle Hotel" because a man often slept in it, probably intoxicated, as per the reliable older community members' grapevine throughout the years.
During the 1970's, cotton root rot became a major problem for the farmers. More and more farmers quit growing cotton and began to depend more upon milo, corn, wheat and hay crops. The major livestock raised in the area include cattle, sheep, hogs, and in more recent years, goats. The decline in cotton production resulted in the closing it's doors and its books in 1977.
school was named for José Antonio Navarro, a signer of the Texas
Declaration of Independence and a large land owner in the community.
Some of the earliest names recorded for the area were associated with the schools. Names included in the 1888 Navarro School Board Minutes (right) which were written in German were von Boeckmann, Heinemeyer, Herrmann, F. Engelke, Schriewer, Glenewinkel, C. Specht, A. Glenewinkel, Bading. |
(Click on image to view enlarged version) ![]() |
Original 1888 one room Navarro School house. It was moved from the original location to the corner of Texas State Highway 123 and Friedens Church Road to avoid its destruction. (history above) The first teacher, E. M. Bittner, received $35 per month. School supplies were purchased in October and classes were held December, February, March, and April. | Navarro Agricultural High
School as it appeard shortly after it was constructed.
Picture is a scanned image of a courtesy photo printed in the October 2, 1988 Seguin Gazette-Enterprise in the Navarro 100th birthday article. |
In 1912, six acres of land on the corner of Friedens Chruch Road and Huber Road was purchased from L. H. Heinemeyer for the total sum of $5.00. Navarro was primarily an agricultural school at the time, that taught students proper farming methods. It was called the Navarro Agricultural High School. (see picture above right) The first class graduated in 1918 with 10 graduates. The class members were Helmuth Alves, Marvin Bormann, Lydia Braunholz, Samuel Bretzke, Myrtle Greebon, Monroe Harborth, Eugene Heinemeyer, Oscar Schlichting, Helmuth Wittenborn, and Etelka Zipp.Navarro Graduates 1918-1988 pamphlet
Several smaller schools in the area consolidated with Navarro in 1918. They included the Specht School (Barbarossa), the Cordova School, and the Harborth School (Schmoekel), and two out of district schools, the San Geronimo School and the Galle School.
1954, new school buildings were constructed. They are the 300 and
400 wings of the present day Navarro High School which are now adjoined
by the Central Office. Then in 1957, the Dietert School (Zorn) consolidated
with Navarro.
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Aerial View of Navarro ISD from the southeast. Texas State Hwy 123 runs in front. Baseball field (left) is on the south side of the high school. The two original buildings are the long wings to the north of the baseball field (toward the far right of the photo) with the green area between them behind the adjoining section in the front. | Navarro
School Historical Marker
(Click on picture for enlarged view) |
ISD is now composed of three campuses, Elementary, Middle and High School.
three continue to be named "Navarro."
Friedens UCC is located
on the corner of Frieden's Church Road (East to West - bottom left to top
right of photo) and Barbarossa Road (North to South - left to right of
Friedens Church History - Clicking on this link will take you to the Friedens Church website. When finished viewing, click on the "Back" button in your browser. |
"Friedens Kirche 1904" granite
inset in the red brick and the Friedens Church Historical Marker are located
on the north side of the church near the west end (end near Barbarossa
Click on the picture for an enlarged view of the Friedens Church Historical Marker. |
Lone Oak Cemetary
This cemetary is located
across from the front of Friedens Church at the intersection of Barbarossa
Road and Friedens Church Road.
Historical Marker Click on the picture above
to read the inscription.
Community Ties
These women will tell you
"We're Famous!" They are descendents of the original Timmerman Family
that settled in Geronimo area, but they only partially rely on that for
their notoriety. Unique in their own right, none of them ever married,
and they all began dressing alike when they went out in public and for
social gatherings. They have been featured in such magazines as Texas
Monthly and Life, and have made it into newspapers across the
state, including the Houston Cronicle.
Of the seven, two are still living, Meta and Wanda. Meta is the quiet one and is content to sit back and listen while Wanda shares her stories with anyone who is willing to listen. They claim fame for the many contributions they and their family have made to both the Geronimo and Seguin communities. They owned and operated a flower shop from their home until all of them had passed retirement age. Church was always a major part of their life. They were not only seen at every service and function, but they contributed their artistic skills to decorate and singing skills in the choir. They proved their love for children by teaching Sunday School and Vacation Bible School. In the community, they boosted the spirit of the Seguin Matadors and Navarro Panthers by showing up and cheering at games of every sport, and often feeding the football players complete meals. During the Christmas season, they would spend many hours, if not days, constructing a display under a large Christmas tree in their home depicting the earliest settlers who were part of the German immigration into the area. The sisters would then welcome into their home visitors, both locally and from afar, individuals and groups, to view the display and listen to the retelling of the beloved stories they had heard growing up, and shared so many times in an effort to keep the local history alive. During the early 1900's, the Timmerman family constructed and operated a park complete with a swimming pool beside Geronimo Creek in the pasture area just east and south of where their home still lies today. (pictured below right) July 11, 1919, the Guadalupe Gazette, Seguin, Texas, reported to have the first "social whirl" bathing party at the Timmerman's park near Geronimo. The swimming pool was basically spring fed, but a well was built to help fill it up. It was located across the road and south east of their home. Across the road to the north of the pool and east of their home was a fish pond and fountain which lay in the center of a compass rose (below left) made from concrete somewhat like a sidewalk. The pool was closed only
a short time after it opened due to some type of epidemic outbreak.
However, for many years later, the park was used for church picnics and
Easter egg hunts. I can even remember hunting easter eggs down
there with my friends when I was small. We would ride "for a long
time" on the "Bunny Bus" from the church until we finally reached "Bunny
Land."C. Bading, V. Mueck, B. Neumann
Several landmarks in the
small Geronimo community remain as reminiscent relics of the past.
They contribute to the small town a nostalgic feeling of stepping backward
a few years in time. Although there are many more than pictured on
this page, any history of Geronimo would be incomplete without the following.
Information on the following was gathered through visits with Bonnie Neumann
and Carolyn Bading, both of whom grew up in the community and are descendants
of the original Heinemeyer family.
Volunteer Fire Department
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Members of the Geronimo Volunteer Fire Department can be seen in the background preparing for their annual barbecue meal and auction.(left) Members barbecue their own meat in a large pit under the shed shaded by large trees (right) while the womens' auxiliary prepares the side dishes indoors. Community members bring homemade deserts. |
When asked, "What validates your information as correct should it conflict with any that might be related by another community member?" Carolyn replied that she relies on information recorded in documents, mostly secured from the Guadalupe County courthouse, the Bexar Archives in the San Antonio Library, the University of Texas Law Library, School Records stored in the old Guadalupe County Jail museum in Seguin, TX, and the National Archives of the United States. One such piece of information she secured is a 1934 microfilm that contains the Geronimo Post Office history.
Bading, Caroline. Personal interview. 3 Oct. 2001. Neumann, Bonnie. Personal interview. 27 Sept.2001. |
Weinert, Willie Mae, An Authentic History of Guadalupe County. The Seguin Enterprise, Seguin, TX. 1976. Seguin Conservation Society Reproduction of Willie Mae Weinert's book published in 1951. Primarily, the first 50 years of the history of Guadalupe county. "Navarro celebrates 100th
birthday," Seguin Gazette-Enterprise. Seguin, TX. Sunday,
October 2, 1988.
"Navarro Graduates 1918-1988,"
Pamphlet compiled for 100 year celebration, 1988.
Josephine Blume Seeliger, Sweetest You Can Find. Watercress
Press, San Antonio, TX, 1987
"Geronimo Creek." The Handbook of Texas Online. [Accessed Tue Sep 18 22:29:25 US/Central 2001].
"Geronimo, Texas." The Handbook of Texas Online.
Lone Oak Cemetery. My German Ancestors and their Descendants: Homepage
of Thomas Franklin Keyser
"José Antonio Navarro State Historical Park." The Handbook
of Texas Online.
“Navarro, José Antonio.” The Handbook of Texas Online.
The Timmerman Sisters: Bread Pudding and Wine Sauce
Texas Landmarks - Guadalupe County, The TexGen Web Project [Accessed Tue
Sep 18 22:56 US/Central 2001].
Jeremy Engler - Pilot who took me up in plane so I could take aerial views of the Geronimo area. Vicki Mueck - Assisted me with the tasks of locating sources for gathering my information, taking pictures, and designing and creating my webpage. |
Web Author's Note
Due to constraints of time
and logistics, I was unable to visit with everyone I wanted to interview.
There are also more aerial views of which I would like to take photos.
Should inaccuracies be detected and as more information is gathered, we
will continue to update and maintain this webpage which will be linked
from both Robert Hines' History Homepage at Palo Alto College and the Navarro
ISD Homepage.
Please feel free to contact us if you have information or pictures you feel should be represented on our Geronimo webpage. |
Navarro ISD Homepage |