What's your full name and where were you born?
"Frank Pena sr. I was born in san Antonio, Texas. Westside Colima street."
Did you have to work when you were growing up at home? If so what did you do?
"It wasn't easy growing up, my father was always working and I didn't want to stay home and do nothing. I would run the streets with my friends and find some trouble to get into. I started to shine shoes when I was 10 and when I was 15 I was a waiter at the Sheraton Gunter Hotel"
did you finish school and what school did you go to?
"yes I did. I was good in school; I just got into too much trouble. I used to liked to fight, wait I still do( laughs). I graduated from Lanear High school."
What made you join the Navy?
"because I liked the boots the national Guard would wear(laughs). No it seemed like the right thing to do at the time. I wanted to serve my country.I am glad I did."
How old were you in the Navy?
"I been with the service for thirty three years. Time goes by fast."
Would you do all over again?? If so, till what grade did you stay in school?
"Damn right I would! Hey, I love to fight especially those Japanese, They were mean, but so was I(laughs)."

did you ever get married? How many kids did you have?
" This is something I dont like to talk about,my wife. We divorced after 5 kids. I loved her, but she is gone from us now and I mis her. "
What did you like about visitng Hawaii?
" If I could back, I would love to visit Hawaii, The girls were beautiful. You see I was what you called a playboy back then.(laughs). I would leave ship and come back with several girls for my friends. everything was cheap. You could get anything you wanted with gum or a couple of bucks."
Where else did you go with the Navy?
" Everywhere the ship went i went with it. I went to Japan, Australia, China and lots of other places. "
Where you there when they were testing the atom boms in 1946 on Bikini Island?
"We made history that day. There was people from all over the world to see what was going to happend. The first bomb we dropped was a mis and the second one was the one that made the most damage. They made us lay down on the ship and wear these red glasses so we wouldn't go blind. We could feel the boat rock from the blast. Did you know they had animals on the ships they were bombing for testing I guess."
did you get to walk on the island before they bombed it?
" I didn't know there was people on it, they gathered the people and moved was a real pretty place to be. we had to show the world what are bombs could do."
What did you do with all of your pictures?
"All the pictures you see here on the wall is all I have. I lived my life out of a duffle bag. I didn't have room for pictures. I would send some to my sister Janie, but I think she lost them in a flood. When I would send her pictures they had an atomic bomb stamp on the back"

Did your amily worry about you being in the Navy?
"Yeah they did, my girl friend at the time used to write to me everday from 6000 miles away, everyday. When I would get them they would smell like perfume, I would let the guys smell it(laughs)."
did you ever get hurt while you were in the Navy?
" No, I was healthy and ready to fight. Until I came home got old and lost both of my legs to diabetes."

what did you do when you got out fo the Navy? I joined the Civil Service. I used to work at Lackland, Kelly air field, Fort sam and some other ones. I used to love loading ammunition. "

When did you get out of the military?
" 1949, I was 21 years old. I came back to san Antonio, the westside. Back to my old streets.(laughs)"
What religion are you? I asked why everyday?Does it work?
"Catholic!! I got to church everyday! Because to pray that i 'm still alive tomarrow.I'm here(laughs)"
How long did you live in San Antonio before moving to michigan?
"I was here for about 5 years. I was looking for work and wanted to move closer to my sister janie. it was to cold so I came back."

did any of your kids join the service?
" No! my brother Carlos did , he came back a Sargent from Vietnam"
I heard you danced with Maryln Monroe?
"Yes! we docked at California for a memorial and they invited a bunch of nurses and Maryln Monroe. They warned us before she came, not to be grabbing her bottom or trying to kiss her. I danced for about ten secinds with her and then I gave her to the next guy. She was ok, the girls from Hawaii were much prettier than she was. (laughs)"

Who do you think we wil go to war with next? Together?
" Russia and China!!! No one of them. Don't be scared it will end fast.(laughs) "
Are you a republican or Democrat?
"I'm neutral, it doesn't matter who you are, you still have to work!"
What did you do for fun while in the Navy? Did you ever beat up any Marines?
"I loved going to Tejuana, It was fun! drinking, girls and more girls. When we would go there we knew we were going to get into a fight with the Marines.
Damn right I did!! we used to call them bell boys, beacuse of the white stripe they had on the pants(laughs) "
Despite his disability my great uncle is stll very young at heart and i have no doubt he will be with us for a long while. his words and his stories are amazing. I am blessed and honored to hear his stories.