How was your family affected by WWII?
Almost everything you like is rationed, you probably don't know because you're spoiled. Tires on cars, in my day that rubber would last only 10,000 miles cause they were real rubber. Not synthetic like today, we'd never use a real rubber tire. Consequently, you could only buy a certain amount of tires a year, that's rationed. Ice cream just went about went away but we got sherbert out of the deal. It didn't exist until WWII. Shoes, coffee, beef, grew up eating a lot of chicken. We'd raise the chickens for future use. Well after 6 weeks the mother will sharpen up her axe or hatchet and them she'll just start chopping heads off and harvest all 50 of our chickens. We didn't have refrigerators and freezers like we have today, most people had ice boxes. Everything you buy, almost all of it was rationed.
In school did teachers ever talk about the war?
Of course everybody talked about the war.
What did you think about the war?
I figured we win, we were gonna kick those Nazis and japs ass no doubt in my mind. See our government was pretty smart we had a left wing dipshit president but he was smart enough to go ahead and re-get people behind the war effort. The country was not welling to go to war and they felt Europe should take care of Europe but Japan came along and felt we shouldn't tell them nothing so they came at us in the pacific, we looked at small Japan compared to the U.S. and figured we'll be back in 2 weeks and it was 6 years really.
Did your parents ever talk about the war to you?
Sure, that was just like today and you probably drive around listening to music and not listening to the news about our idiot president tryin to change the status of America, he's done everything to ruin this country.
What kind of home did you live in at this time?
I thought we were rich we had a beach house on a lake and we had a hardware store and we lived behind that store. We lived In a very small town, everyone was industrious.
Were prices high during the war?
Right now if you went to an ice cream place and got an ice cream cone its about $2.37 back in my day the cone was 5 cents that's about 45 ice cream cones back in my day. Same size I'm not bullshitting you, but that's what's happening to your dollar. I have a book on my desk bout destruction of the dollar and you're going to stop listening to music and start listening to the news because your dollar is going to come to you in a shit bag.
What kind of job did you have during the war?
I picked all kinds of fruit, why is summer a season well its for harvesting and kids like you picked the farms and didn't care but today children like you are lazy as shit and play games or watch TV or play on the damn phone.
Did you ever have friends (family) over when the war was going on?
Of course, sure…
Did any family enlist in the war that you know of? Did You help take part in donations to the men helping in the war?
Everybody did, I would pay 4cents to go to the movies. Anyway everybody participated, they had collections in movies and take break for a dime donation from anyone for that sickness, Polio. A dime, you can see the movie for 4 cents. We were really united during the war…