Eva Quiroga (nee Resendez)

Eva Quiroga August 13, 1952 at South San

San Antonio,Texas

March 23, 2008

Rose Marie Rocha

Palo Alto College

History 1302 - Spring 2008



Eva Resendez was born on July 18, 1937 to Celestine and Manual Resendez in San Antonio Texas. She was born and raised here in San Antonio Texas. She and her family lived mainly on South Side of San Antonio. She has seven brothers and sisters, five brothers and two sisters. Eva is the third oldest child of seven. She attended South San High School.. where she met her future husband Rudy Quiroga. She married young and didn’t graduate. She has eight children ranging from fifty four to thirty five years old. She and her husband are divorced. He passed away when he was fifty four. She managed apartment homes for the elderly, but is now retired. She volunteered at the Salvation Army Day Care Center as a foster grandparent and worked along side my mother who she became good friends with. She enjoys reading, doing crafts and taking care of her cats. She has told me that she would be interested in talking about the changing roles of women.


What is the best memory you have of your childhood?
I remember one Christmas I got a doll that opened and closed its eyes. That was a very fun Christmas.

What kind of relationship did you have with your parents?
We didn't really have a good relationship unfortunately. They were busy doing what they had to do for the family so we didn't have much of an relationship. We would talk sometimes after dinner, and that was pretty much it.

What did you used to do for fun when you were growing up?
We used to listen to radio, we would listen to the San Antonio Missions. At that time we had the KTSA radio station. We would sit on the porch and just listen to the stories on the radio station. We also uesd to play Hopscoth,and Jacks when we were little.

Eva in 1959

What was your first job? How were you treated?
Well I used to babysit, but my first out of the house job was at a fabric store. I went in there and they asked me if I had made the dress I was wearing and I did so I told them and they asked me if I wanted to work there. So that is how I started working there and I did inventory while I was working there. They treated me very nicely there.

Do you remember being treated differently by anyone because you were a woman or a Mexican American?
NO, cant say that I have. I have never been in a job where that happened now woman can go to college and they could be anything they want. I never saw any discrimination. I've always had the thought that nobody was better than me. I think if you can do something so can I. I might have to work at it but I can do it. I used to manage a gift card shop and handled thousands of dollars. You have to have confidence in yourself. So if somebody says can you do this or that I can learn and I will do it.

How were women seen as you were growing up?
When I was young mainly woman were told to stay home and men were to work.

Were you ever taught that woman could do anything men could do?
Oh yes except for lifting heavy things or opening doors ( Laughs).

Were you ever encouraged to follow your dreams?
No I wish I would have been encouraged though

When you were a kid what did you want to be when you grew up?
Well I was stupid when I was a kid( laughs) I wanted to be a mother when I grew up. When we were little we didn't have a whole lot of toys that made your mind really think. None that made you imagine. It seemed like a good thought at the moment. When I got older I wanted to work and go to a junior college. I wanted to make things better for myself.

Is there a woman you look up to?

Do you think a woman would be a good president?
Some woman, like I think Hilary Clinton would be a good president. She has always been in politics and knows how everything works and she is very involved in what she is doing.

At her job in 1987

Did you give your daughters any advice on how to live their lives?
They were taught the basics and when they got married I told them to be nice to their husbands. Also their husbands should be nice to them. Unfortunately it didn't turn out that way but that's what I told them and also don't have eight children ( laughs).

What do you want your children to remember best about you?
That I was always there for them when they needed me and I will always be there whenever they need me.

Did your husband ever help you with the kids?
NO he would go to work and then go out with his friends. He was no help. It was worse than haveing a kid, you could tell them to sit down and behave, but you couldnt do that with your husband. (Laughs).

document of _______________...

How many grandchildren do you have?
I have tweleve grandchildren. I have alot of kids that only have one or two kids. Now I have two great grandchildren.

Did you ever want to go back to school?
Yes many times because I quit when school when I was just going to be a junior. I had good grades, but my mother never told me not to get married.

If you would have gone to college what field would you have liked to studied in?
I never thought about that if I would have gone to college I would have liked to have done something in History. I love to read. I think I would have been a good teacher or even a good nurse.One of the residnets at the Walnut manor said I would have been a good counsler at a funeral home, because I was very good with people and talking to them.

What was a typical day for you?
I would wake up whenever his lordship would wake up (laughed and was said in a sarcastic way) then I would get breakfast ready, boil bottles, clean the house, make dinner, and get everybody ready to go then I would go to work around five and then when I was done with that, I would go next door to the gift shop and work there until nine. Then I would go home and finished whatever had to be done. I was never tired though. I would just get up and do it all over again. I was never tired I just kept on going.

Who, What, Where, When

Did you ever go anywhere to relax or just spend time with your friends?
Nope, never went anywhere but to work. I wasnt allowed to go anywhere.

What do some of your kids do for a living?
Well the oldest one is a machinest and works at an air force base in New Mexico. Debbie is a Dental hygentist and Maria does medical records for a doctor, they all have done very well for themsleves.

My teacher would like to know if you have a pension?
No I do not have a pension, I have social security on my own account. I know alot of woman get social security from their husbands, but I got it on my own. My social sercurity and everything I own is mine.

Is there anything else you would like to add to this interview?


Eva in 2003 raising money for her the residents at her work.


I learned about an extrodinary woman, who has worked hard all her life raising her kids and working at different jobs to take care of them.
The most important points that are made in this interview is that she has done everything on her own and is very proud for being an independent woman.
I didn't know anything about her because she is a friend of my mothers,and she was sort of like a stranger to me because I really didnt know anything about her, but after talking to her and spending time with her, I got know her alot better and I am very proud and happy that I did.
She had a very good sense of humor about everything. She was just so sweet and generous for doing this interview and she answered all my questions very honestly.
Her stories showed me that no matter what has going on in her life she remains to be such a nice and wonderful person and didn't let anything get her down. She had responsibilities and she took care of them and didn't run away from anything.
The benefits from doing this project was getting to know a person I wouldnt have regulary got to know without this project. I loved doing this project and felt very honored to get to know her.She has been so strong and sweet her whole life. I think she gives Mexican American women a good name. I really didn't think their were any drawbacks, this project was a good way to get closer to the people you love or just getting to know someone you never would have got to know on your own. It is a good way to learn about the past and how things used to be.





KTSA AM Radio is this website gives information about the radio station that is still on the air today. Also gives information about news and events that go on in San Antonio Texas.

Hopscoth. this website gives information about this classic kids game. It says how this game started and how the game is played.

The game of Jacks.. This website gives information on how the popular game Jacks is played. .

South San High School.. This website gives information about the school. .

Photographs and/or documents on this website were provided by Eva Resendez. Provide some historical background on the photos/documents. e.g. Who is in the photo/s? Who took the photo/s? Where was the photo/s taken? When were the photo/s taken? Special occassions? Everyday life? They were from her photo album she kept in her room.


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