What are your earliest childhood memories?
My aunt taking me to the pharmacy store to meet with my uncle without my grandma knowing that my aunt's true intentions were to go see him. My aunt would tell my grandma that she was going to take me to get a candy bar and that's how she got away with it.
Why did your grandma did not want your aunt to see your uncle?
Because they did not believe in dating because they were real strict.
When did your grandma find out that your aunt was dating your uncle?
When she was taking me to the pharmacy every day.

Was your grandma furious?
No because she thought it was cute.
What did your father do for a living?
He sold produce from his truck as I was a child and when was adult he was a janitor for the city of San Antonio.
Did you ever help your father sell produce on his truck?
My dad did not believe in taking the women to do work, so only my brother Pete went with him to sell the produce.
Describe a day in your life in a household with four other siblings.
It was awesome we would always play outside but first we would do are chores first. Since I was the oldest I would have take of everyone and set an example.

What kind of stuff did you and your siblings do for fun outside and what kind of chores did you do?
We had to dishes and laundry such as hanging the clothes outside and ironing my father's clothes. O and of course clean the house and yard. We would play with little rocks and if we had a ball we would play with the ball. Sometimes we would play school and church.
How were you disciplined at home and at school?
I was never discipline at home. When my brother or sisters misbehave them would all have to get on our knees for discipline ,but once in the 3rd grade when my assignments were done I would start looking around and my teacher would get upset and take me to the side of the classroom and paddled me with the paddle. When my mom found out, by one of my friends, she went to the principal office; the principal stated the issue and the teacher got reassigned by the superintendence.
As a child, what would you do recreationally?
Baseball, basketball, volleyball, track, tennis.
Were you any good at any of them?
I was good in all of them

What was your first occupation?
Insurance Company Howell insurance.
What was it like working at the insurance company?
It was fun because I met a lot of people.
How old were you when you got your driver license?
Why so old or did everyone get their license at 26?
Because my parents drove me around everywhere I needed to be.
Did you ace your driving test at 26?
Yeah I did
No you didn't you took it like three times!!!
Actually it was twice. The first time the brake lights did not work so I had take it a second time. the second time the DPS patrol man just pass me because he felt sorry for me because the station wagon was leaking gas and the door fell off.
What was your first vehicle?
1968 country square station wagon
What was south san high like in the late 60's?
The same like now just different dress codes. There were gangs but they were not as open as they are now.

How and where did you meet your husband Gary?
Doing volunteer work at Lavillita.

How long did you two date prior to deciding to get married?
We never dated he just followed me around.
So then why did you marry him then?
He always did what I ask me him to do.
What did you do for a living?
I worked at south western bell doing clerical jobs for about twenty five years.
How was the transition in the company changing owners?
How was the transition in the company changing owners?
Is there anything you like to add about your life?
I love my life from the beginning to now. Life increasingly gets better every day.