What was it like growing up as a Mexican woman in your time?
I had lots of problems and lots of hardships because of it.
Did religion play a big part in your life to help you keep going?
Oh yes!I would pray to god to give me strenght and keep going.
How do you feel about the fact that you had to raise your siblings on your own?
I felt good with them, I didn't feel alone. I cared for them.

How did you find work?
With the help of American women.
Was it hard to find work as an uneducated Mexican woman?
No, it wasn't hard becaue the American women would help me. They would help me out a lot. They even told me where I could go work at.
What did you think about your marriage?
Jose bought love. I ddin't think nothing of it. Ijust wanted to help my family.
Have you ever been in love?
No because it was false. When they were going to take my kids away my aunts had called the police and reported me. They lied to them and the police came to take my kids away. I looked for a man to help.
Were you ever afraid of being a Mexican woman raising 5 girls on her own?
No, I wasn't afraid. I just wanted to excel.
Do you see yourself as a pioneer for woman now?
I feel that I saved a lot of women by helping them not go through what I have gone through. But no, I am not a pioneer. There are still a lot of injustice now with women and their husbands.
Did you have any dreams as a child? What were they?
I never really had any dreams, I only knew I had to keep moving forward. That's all.
If you could tell the world one thing about the life lessons you've learned, what would they be?
Nothing, I don't want to remember.

What are some of your fondest memories?
Being with my siblings. They always made me happy. I didn't look at teh world, just my siblings.
How has your life and other American's women's lives changed since your time?
It is different, I don't know but it's different. I suffered and I did everything that came to mind. I wasn't able to ask for help. I did everything on my own.
What do you think about your family?
Nothing, the only thing I want is the family to love the way I loved my brothers.

Why did you start working at the San Antonio Express News?
I just got fired from my job and a lady I had helped told me that the Express News was hiring and to hurry over there. I spent the last money I had to take the bus downtown and to the Express News.
Did you like working at the Express News?
Yes, I did. It paid my bills and I was able to get my girls things they needed for school because of it. I know they were embarrassed but it was a job that helped me take care of them.
How long did you work there?
Oh, for so many years! But I loved it. (she worked there for about 25 years).
when did you start volunteering? Why?
I don't remember...I don't remember when I started. No, I do. At the church. Because they asked me and at the Raul Jimenez Thanksgiving Dinner and where else? In more church's like San Juan.

Do you still volunteer? Where? Why?
Oh yes! At St. Leo's, St. Vincent DePaul, and at the Cope Land Group, and the Harlandale Civic Center where we play Banco (a dice game). I help the people that need help.
What do you like about volunteering?
I feel happy, I feel happy helping people and they ask me favors and I help. I have a lot of "daughters" (chuckle)but, they are not my daughters. They're from schools and colleges, they ask me to be their grandmother and ask me for advice.There were two girls a few years ago that would always come by and check up on me, take me out to eat and buy me clothes. Your mother hated them. They made her jealous. (laugh)
What do you do for fun now?
I color, play video games, play scratch off games, go to the Harlandale Civic Center to play Bingo and Banco.
Anything else you enjoy?
Oh! My grandbabies! I love playing and having my grandbabie around. I love them so much!

Is there anything else you would like to add to this interview?
No, but I hope I can see what this is gonna look like at the end.

In paragraph form, answer these questions after completing your interview. Do not include these questions in your analysis. (MINIMUM 200 WORDS)
I thought I knew the lady who lived next door who happened to be my grandmother, but as this project began to develop on it's own I learned that I never truly knew the lady who lived next door. The life she has lead is much different than what I ever could've imagined. I have seen a different world that existed, a world not many people enjoy talking about. I heard the stories of her hardships, her trials, and heartache. I have always seen my grandmother has a strong, independent woman who impacted me to be the same but, she has ALWAYS been like this My heart goes out to her because she never had a childhood but she makes up for it now by laughing, smiling, dancing, and being silly like a kid. It pained me see and hear my grandmother weep as she retold her stories but that's her strenght. She has held on for all these years and I found out that there is a reason for it. Her love and devotion for others has driven her to do the things she's done and be the woman she is now. I have always respected mygrandmother and have always seen her as my hero, this interview solidified annd made those feelings for her stronger. I can only hope to have an ounce of her happiness and strenght. Her unselfisness is what has kept her strong and alive, or so she says. My grandmother always tells me that "the good lord gives me the strenght to help others, that's why I am still alive".
From this interview I have learned that sometimes, a life has no meaning if you don't care for others or live to help others. That's what my grandmother has always, and still does.
My six word memoir would be " Never stop dreaming, live to laugh.
- 1924, Aug 6th Cista Hernandez was born in New Orleans, La.
- 1924, Aug 23rd baptized at St. Louis Cathedral
- 1930, Father left the family, moved to McAllen
- 1932, April 25th Brother Mathias born
- 1944, Married Jose Garcia, moved to McAllen, Tx
- 1945, daughter Guadalupe Hernandez was born on Oct 20th in McAllen, Tx
- 1950, moved back to San Antonio
- 1952, second daughter Elisa Garcia Hernandez was born on June 14th in San Antonio, Tx
- 1956 third daughter Maria Guadalupe Hernandez was born on Feb 22nd in San Antonio,Tx
- 1957 fourth daughter Cista Hernandez born on Sept 8th in San Antonio Tx
- 1959 fifth daughter Mary Ann Thomas born Jan 19th in San Antonio, Tx
- 1992 started volunteering in San Antonio for the Senior Citizens
- 1993 recognized by State for her volunteer work
- 1999 car accident on Jan 5th
- 2010 Brother Mathias passed away on April 14th
- New Orleand, Louisanna City Guide is a site that shows you all that New Orleans has to offer should someone decide to travel there. This is the city that my grandmother was born and raised in for a while. She hasn't been back since she left.
- Mexican Manhattan This is a popular Mexican Restaurant in downtown San Antonio, Tx. My grandmother used to work here and she used to take all her kids, grandchildren, and great grandchildren there. She speaks very fondly of this restaurant and laughs at her fond memories of me being a picky eater and eating there because I would refuse to eat my father's cooking.
- St. Leo’s Church St. Leo's is a prominent Catholic Church on the southside of San Antonio, Tx. This is the church my grandmother has been attending for over 25 years already and is a constant presence there in helping out the church as much as she can.
- Phil Hardberger Phil Hardberger was the former mayor of San Antonio and was one of many mayors who signed and gave my grandmother a certificate in recognition of all her hardwork in helping the senior citizens of San Antonio, Tx.
- Raul Jimenez Thanksgiving Dinner The annual Raul Jimenz Thanksgiving Dinner is an event where people volunteer their time and food to feed the hungry in San Antonio, Tx. My grandmother has volunteered and attended this event many times to support the cause. This is very close to her heart because she always did what she could to make sure her families never went hungry.
- San Antonio Express News This is the website of the San Antonio Express News in San Antonio, Tx. My grandmother worked here in the assembly line for 25+ years. It was the longest job she held until she retired.
- Photographs and/or documents on this website were provided by Cisa Hernandez and Luisa Hernandez and Leonila Espinoza. The newpaper clippings can be found in the San Antonio Express News Archives These pictures were taken at the San Antonio Express News and were taken by a Johnny Garza. The pictures of the church's, civic center, the Mexican Manhattan, and the San Antonio Express News were all found online. The pictures that follow belong to my grandmother, my mother Cista Hernandez, and myself. My grandmother has all these pictures in a folder or hanging in her living room My pictures I have in an envelope at home as does my mother. In the pictures above are of my grandmother working, a picture of her two brohers Santiago and Mathis before Mathis passed away a year later. Then there are the pictures of my grandmother with all 5 of her daughters and then the ones that are of me and here.
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