What did you want to be when you grew up?
I want to be a Veterinarian and a singer .When I was 14 years old I would take care of my dog. Every time my dog got sick I would cure him. My dog name was Skippy. He was a German shepherd. One time Skippy had a splinter in his little foot. I put on him some volcanico (ointment) and wrapped a piece of rag around it.I also wanted to be a singer. I love to sing, I would sing when I would wash cloth and when I would hand the clothes outside on the line. When I would be cooking I would be singing.I loved to sing Rancheras songs. I loved the way Pedro Infante sing.
What did you do for fun?
For fun I would play jacks and jump rope.I would run around the yard with my friends and play the game "it". In the evening I would love to play jump rope. I could jump around up to 500 times. I would jump on a double jump rope. I would come inside the house about 11:00 p.m. Somtimes we would stay late because my mother would stay outside with me and my brother and tell us stories about ghost. I would sometime be very scared and couldn't sleep at night.
What kind of school did you go to?
I went to public Schools .I attended Gardendale Elementary on 1731 Dahlgreen San Antonio Texas, during 4th and 5th grade. Then I went to Edgewood Jr. High School for 6th and 7th grade that was located on 1507 Ceralvo Street. I would walk to Coronado school by myself when I was young.Now I think that these days there was no danger to walk to school. But now you can't walk to school or to the store because they will hurt you.
What was the best gift you remember receiving as a child?
I had two best gift was a doll and a reversable dress. I would always comb the doll's hair and put some pony tails on the doll. I would take the doll a bath. I would pierced the doll ears with an ice pick. Another best gift was a dress that was reversible it was color green in one side and another side it was green with red dots. It hurt me a lot when I gave it away.I loved that dress a lot.
How is school different now?
Back then we would call the class math arithmetic not math .On my days at school we didn't take the TASK or the STAAR test. I never had homework. Back then you didn't have to go to school. Now if you don't go to school the parents get fined or go to court.On my time the principal would hit the students with paddle.Now you don't hear that anymore. When I was going to school the teachers would put the student nose on a white circle on black board and the student couldn't even wash their face. Also the teachers would hit the students hand with a ruler flat or sideways. If you would get a diploma you be called from the office so you can pick up your diploma from the principal office. It is not like now that there are ceremony when a student graduate. Lots of things are different know.

What year did you get married?
I got married on a Sunday February 2, 1960
How old were you?
I was 17 years old when I got married.
Where did you get married at?
I got married at Our lady Good Council Church at 1204 Castroville Rd. At 10.00 am The priest who married us his name was Paul. It turned out to be a very beautiful day.
What was your wedding like?
In those time the weddings were at the houses. I had a small group playing music. I had chicken with mole served for the reception with punch. My mother-in-law and my sister -in-law made all the food. That day turned to be a beautiful day.

Did your mother ever talked to you about how you would become a young lady?
In those days the people don’t even would talk about things like that .Like I being a young lady, or talking about sex. There never talked to you about it .They wouldn’t talk in front of the children. They would say go to your room please.
Did your mother work and if so what kind of career did she have?
Well I don’t think she did have no career at all, because she used to work in the fields.
What would she do in the field? She would pick up cotton.

What did you do for the CB Club R.A.M.O?
I remember I used to help people like selling tickets for some events. Also helping people to make little bags on Christmas for the children or during Easter or certain Holidays sometime.I would also cook brisket and potato salad, things like that. Whatever they wanted to serve for the reception in the event I would cook. When one of the families would stay stranded we would go out there and help them it didn't matter what time or situation it was we were there to help.
What does R.A.M.O stands for?
It stands for Radio Ayuda Mexican Organizada.
Did you have handle name?
They knew me by the Paloma Azul. Yes, I had a handle name .One of my neighbor by the name Frank named my handle it was the Paloma azul. The reason he named me that was because I used to drive a blue station wagon it was a 1979 oldsmobile. I would take two of my children to work on the blue station wagon. This was the only transportation we had .
Did you travel when you were in the CB Club?
We would go to meet new members in Houston, Texas and Dallas, Texas with the other CB Clubs members.I would travel a lot to different places. I got to visit Houston, Dallas, Eagle Pass, Abilene,I enjoy traveling and go to diffrent places.

Why were you and your daughter wearing black bands on the arms?
We were wearing the black bands because of a strike that was going on for the city in the year of 1967.The meeting took around three hours. During this time lots of employees from the city that worked for the Sanitation Department were on strike. I remember some employes were getting hurt during the strike .The employees that were working as garbage collectors the people would throw rocks at them. They were fighting for a raise and for insurance and holidays too. They won and got what they were fighting for
How long have you been married?
I have been marred since February 21, 1960. My husband and I got married again on our 50th anniversary it was on Saturday February 21, 2010 at San Martin De Porres Church at 1730 Dahlgreen Avenue San Antonio . My reception was at San Martin Hall. This was given by all my children. I had a band and a DJ for our dance. For the reception we had brisket, beans and rice. I am so happy and proud of all my children that made this wedding a special day for husband and I. I have been married for 52 years. It has been for a long time. But I have been happy with my marriage and having all seven children and one that we adopted. So we had total of eight children together.
How did you meet you husband?
I met my husband by my Godmother she introduced me to Andres .My Godmother was the one who Baptized me. We meet in a birthday party. It was at my sister- in -law's house. My sister in law name was Julia. She would always have birthday party at her house. Andres asked me to dance the and first danced with Andres was a polka.

How did the family manage with 9 people to support?
Well I think we did pretty well. My husband had two jobs. He worked for the city as a labor and as soon he out from the first job he would go to his second job. He worked at a gas station called the Sunglow. His job was to put gas in the vehicles. He was the only person who was bringing in the income. He would pay the house payment that was $60.00 dollars a month this would include the insurance for the house. He would buy like $15.00 for groceries. I remember that. With .50 cents we would go to the movies. We lived in a three bedroom house on Romero Street. We had seven children and one that we adopted . My husband was the only one that was working. I never did work I think we did pretty well.
What was the best memory spent with your children?
When my children were small I had very good memories. When their birthday was celebrated I would buy them cake, ice cream and a piñata. I would invite the family to the house. I would take pictures of my children on their birthday when they would open their presents and hit the piñata. I love to see kids play with their friends and cousins. Those days the kids were having fun running around the house and they would even be climbing the trees. I wash the children play with water balloon and have fun with their family and friends.
What do remember about the hard times?
The hard time was when one of the kids would get sick. Another one was when my mother would get sick too and I had to take care of my mom. My mother moved with me in the year of 1960 .I took care of my mother until her last days. My mother was sick. She was diabetic. It was hard to take care of my mom when ever I would get sick. My two older daughters would help me to take care of my mother. They would take turns while I would get well. Sometimes there were hard times.
As married women were you encourage staying at home?
Yea, yes because I never worked. I never worked in my life.I had to stay home and take care of the children and my mother. I had to wash their clothes and make them dinner. I would take the older kids to school. I would help my kids with their homework. There was time that two of my daughter would cry when they would get some homework from their teachers. I also had to stay at home to take care of my mother who was sick.

What school did you took this picture at with you grandkids?
It was Emma Frey Elementary School 900 S San Eduardo Ave San Antonio , Texas.
Can you tell a little bit about this picture?
What can I say, my grandchildren and great- grandchildren were small very small. The teachers used to call me the grandma with lots of grandkids at the Emma Frey Elementary school that what they used to call me. This day was gradparents day I had breakfast with the grandkids. We enjoyed that day they were all very happy because grandma was eating breakfast with them.
Did they have an event that day?
Yes,It was Grandparents Day The grandparent got to eat breafast with their grandchildren. Instead of bring one by one of my grandkids they just brought them all together. We all sat in a big table as a group and all enjoyed the bereakfast.
Is there anything else you would like to add to this interview?
No, But I did enjoy very much in sharing my story.