" Where were your parents from?
Both of my parents were born and raised in San Antonio, Texas.
" Where both parents around when you were growing up?
Yes, both of my parents were around; although they divorced when I was 11, they still managed to find time for me.
" How was your family's income?
Well I came from a Family of ten and lived in a one bedroom house, and we were always a low income family. It was hard living with limited money coming in the "Luna" household but we had to improvise, sharing clothes, school supplies, and other special belongings.
" How many siblings did you grow up with?
I grew up with three brothers and four sisters which made seven in total.
" Did you and your siblings get along?
Never, I always got picked on being one of the youngest of the boys. We did not get along with each other, but when times were hard or if one of us were in trouble with something we always looked out for each other.
" How did you have fun?
By getting into trouble, like playing in the woods or playing with my neighborhood buddies. We couldn't afford toys at the time so we let our imagination take over. We would tie our toy cars (bought at Goodwill) to a rope and drag them around or just play street football.
" Was your family a close family?
We were always fighting with each other and did our own thing. Our family was usually brought together when times got harder lose of jobs, back to school, passed loved one, or parental arguments.
" What was transportation like?
We would ride the bus everywhere. To get us to school, work, or any other extracurricular activities. My father had a vehicle at the time but he was always working and we were not living with him at the time. When I turned 15 I recieved my first car which was passed down to me from my father. It was a 1962 Cheverlet Impala SS (Super Sport), which was a very popular vehicle at the time. It belonged to my Grandfather, Father, and is now your's.
" What was school like?
School was no where near how it is now today, "If you got it, you got" if you didn't then you would be far behind. Now there are many tutors and lots of scholarships available. We did not have many courses offered at our schools and the scholarships were limited.
" How did you act at school?
I was real shy; I did what I needed to get by. (laughing)
Were you in any extra curricular activities at school?
Yes, I participated in the cross country team and was the guid on in the JROTC drill team; I placed second in State at the Individual Manual of Arms.
" How long was your education?
I completed the 9th grade, and had dropped out to help my mother with the household income and to support my younger sisters.
" Do you regret anything in your educational experience?
Yes! I would have asked more questions and been less shy. I did not ask many questions at the time because I was afraid the other kids would laugh.
" Was there any racial hate in your community?
No, I pretty much lived in an all Hispanic community.
" Did you participate in any political groups?
No, I didn't really get into that stuff. I was always taught to mind my own business and I was to shy to participate anyways.
" Did you do anything important for your community when you were growing up?
No, I was to busy with school and trying to take care of my family.
" Did you live through any wars? How did the war take affect on you?
I lived through The Vietnam War and I think it pretty much had a huge impact in everyone's life.
" Where were the "Hot spots?"
I never got to get out much because transportation wasn't really there, but I did hit the local "Hot Spots." Mission County Park, Mission Drive Inn's, and Espada Park were hang out spots when I was growing. When I got in the military I got the chance to experience many international hang out spots and they couldn't compare to San Antonio's.
" Were there any serious relationships before mom?
" How did you meet mom?
At the age of 15 years old there was always (dances) Conjuntos of Tejano Music and more in the early 70's. She would go to the park with her whole family, and I had the courage to ask her to dance in front of them. I was even a "Pachucito" (a Chicano guy back in the 1930s that dressed in zoot suits at the time), dressed with my Stetson hat (from Penners), wife beater muscle shirt, and my black Stacy Adam Shoes. That's what attracted her to me.
" How and why did you select your military occupations? What was the military life style like?
At the time you didn't need your G.E.D. in the Marine Corp. All the other branches required it and they lacked a good boxing program. This was back in 1975, when The Vietnam War had just ended. I'm glad I selected the Marines because they gave me what I needed the most "Discipline."
" How was the economy?
People struggled to find good work and the gas prices went up at one time, of course I didn't have to worry about that because I had no vehicle at the time.
What was it like being a Professional Boxer?
Becoming a Professional Boxer, was one of the best things that happened in my life. This gave me a chance to build up discipline and structure. When you have something to do you stay out of trouble and this was something that I loved. I was able to perform what I trained hard for in front of an audience cheering for me, it was an awesome experience in my life.
Are there any dreams you still want to continue to pursue? Why?
I want to give back to the community and help under- privileged kids, so they aren't running the streets like I was. I would also like to continue my boxing equipment line and further distribute it across america.
How do you help the community now?
Now I am the director of a non-profit organization called Luna's Boxing 4 Fitness Community Center. This is a organization that has given families and children in the community a opportunity to change their ways of living. We're also trying to help under privileged kids and low income families stay off the streets and stay occupied physically.
What exactly is Boxing 4 Fitness?
Boxing 4 Finess is a revolutionary new art of training like the pros, without the blood or bruises. We take a boxer's workout, and bring it to normal people, like you and me. There is no contact involved unless you feel comfortable taking it that extra step. We first take you through the basics and fundamentals of boxing. Showing you how to punch, move properly, and even different exercises you can do to target those problem areas. So if you want a great, fun, and exciting new way to train than this is what you're looking for.
Is there anything else you would like to add to this interview?
Yes, I would like to thank my wife and kids for working so hard to keep the community center going and the most thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ for our blessings.
List a minimum of SEVEN sources. There must be links to each of the sources within the transcription.
Here are three examples of annotated sources plus a source for photos/documents.
San Antonio is Official site for meeting information, events, attractions, and other visitor information.
Professional Boxer. This is a direct link to a video of Robert Luna's second professional fight.
Vietnam War. Companion web site to the PBS/WGBH series program on the Vietnam War. Features timeline, statistics, documents, first-hand accounts, and more.
Mission County Park, Mission Drive Inn's, and Espada Park. The San Antonio Parks and Recreation Department has many parks, pavilions, community centers and other facilities that may be ... Back to Mission County Park
Conjuntos of Tejano Music. The roots of Tejano and Conjunto music are as widespread and diverse, and run as ... San Antonio's Conjuntos in the 1950s / Narciso Martínez / The Women
Stetson Hat. Brand name of western-inspired hats, leather goods, home furnishings, fragrances, and eyewear.
Harlandale Middle School. PreK-12th grade. Located in San Antonio, Texas. Includes district information and links to each campus.
Growing up in San Antonio. Palo Alto College student, Tony Luna's project on Growing up in San Antonio, Texas. This Small Town Project was completed in the Second semester of 2008 as a requirement for Assistant Professor of Peter Myer's History 1302 class.
Photographs and/or documents on this website were provided by Ruby April Luna and Mary Ester Luna. They were from Ruby's photo album...Located in her bedroom closet.