What are your earliest childhood memories?
When the family would go fishing at corpus enjoyed ourselves like a normal family
and when my brother and me would sneak out to go rock cars that would pass by it was fun.
I would play on the swings and I love to go to school I would wake up early and get dressed.
How would you describe your mom and dad?
My dad was mean and never like to talk to nobody my mom told me he's been
like that since the war. My mother was a very nice person she like to talk,
she was opposite of my dad.
What can you say about this picture as a baby?
I look hot ha-ha... i think my aunt had gave it to me not to long ago
Every time I look at this picture I say to myself time as gone by so fast.

How can you say the way San Antonio has changed?
It has changed a lot from what i could remember all of the area was filled with trees and grass now there are houses more streets and sidewalks.
Did you drink?
Yes when I turned 21 because everybody would talk about it but I fought with some guy who talked about my mom and hit him with the beer bottle across the head
How would you describe your life?
Being by myself working alone with little help from people.
What grade did you accomplish?
I finished up to 7th grade and drop out of school.
Why did you drop out?
Because my mom was sick and i wanted to be with her at home and take care of her plus
I was already behind on school i was in the 7th grade and 15 years old

What were you doing in this picture?
I was looking for a job I found one cleaning motel rooms at holiday inn they gave me 6.50 an hour
Why did you have a lot of kids?
I met your grandpa at 16 years old I had nothing to do and just had kids and he did not
want her to leave him
How many people lived on 125 allsup?
There was like 15 people in a four bed room house.

Who would you live with?
When my mother died, her mother kicked me out and told me to leave. My dad was in jail for murdering my mother.
How would you cook for your kids?
Sometimes I could pay the water or light i would cook outside rice and beans
I put bricks on top of each other.
Do you have any regrets?
Do you think life is easier than before?
Is San Antonio different from when you were a kid?
Yes, everything was cheaper.

What was your first car?
How would you spend Christmas without money?
When we didn't have money for trees we would get two pine trees and tie them together
and use it as a tree.

What is the best memory spent with your kids?
When I would make them kites out of news paper and some fishing line.

How do you remember your brother?
He would always drink and be drunk.
As being the oldest child do you feel responsible for all the actions that happened in your life?
No, not at all god has a path for each of us and whatever happens, happens.
Is there anything else you would like to add to this interview?