As a young girl, what were your dreams when you grew up?
To be a nurse, seeing my grandma sick in the hospital made me want to become a nurse. I like helping people.
What was your home life like with your siblings?
Nice. Good. I had a happy life.
What were your chores and responsibilities?
I would help my mom cook, wash clothes by hand, hang clothes, folding the clothes. We would also use the same water that we would wash the clothes with to mop the floors.
What was your favorite memory from your childhood?
There were railroad tracks a block away from our home. My dad was a train conductor he would be gone for about 5-6 days out of the week. We only got to see him for one day then he would be off to work. Sometimes we did not know when he would come home. But my dad always had this certain kind of whistle that he makes that we knew it was him. So whenever he would be on his way home he would pass in front of the house in the train and he would whistle to let us know that he'd be on his way home that very same day. We were happy to know that he would be home.

Did you go to school?, until what grade?
I did go to school until the 7th grade. I could not attend school anymore because my mom cannot afford to send her 12 kids to school.
What was life like when losing your father?
I was 13 years old when he past away. It was very sad.. He was in a train wreck with another train. Whenever I lost my father my family woke up knowing that there was no one supporting us. It was really hard for my mother to raise 12 kids on her own. We had ended up being not able to afford much.
What year did you decide to come to the United States and why?
I came to the United States with my mom when I was 15 years old. We came looking for my older sister because she had came to the USA before us looking for a better life. So we had decided to also look for a better future as well.
What did you know about the US before moving here?
Nothing, I never knew that there was a United States. I didn't know there was another country.
Where did you meet my dad?
I met your dad in Luling, Tx working at a poultry plant. We were both the same age.

When did you get married?
I married your dad in 1974 I was 17 years old.

How many children do you have?
I have 4 children, My first born Carlos Pastrano was born in 1976, Sotero Jr. and Joe were born in 1979, and you were born in 1993.
Did you still work when you had my 3 oldest brothers?
Yes. I use to be working part time at Furrs restaurant serving people in the lines. I had worked part time while my kids were in school, then after I would go and pick up my kids.
Did you ever learned to drive?
Yes. While we went grocery shopping. I would stay in the truck and I would tell your dad to leave the keys in the truck. I always paid attention to the way he drove. So while he was in the store. I would get in the drivers seat and turn the truck on and I would drive around the parking lot. Thats how I learned.
If you were to go back in your lifetime what would you do differently?
I would go back and finish school. I do have my GED but I would want to go to college. Your life changes a lot when you have a education. It's the most important thing.
What is stopping you now from going back to school?
Because im old. Im getting to the point where im almost 60 years old. Why do I need to have a - do you think they are gonna hire a person of 60 year old? 80 years old? No mija. They're gonna hire people like you in their 20s.
Is there anything you would like to add to this Interview?
Every young person now has the opportunity to go to school and get educated. Take advantage of that opportunity. Having a degree a door is open for you to have a better life. Right now in this time its hard to find a job sometimes. Because what most hirers look at is job experience. But take advantage of getting a degree. Its important, not always are you going to have your parents or family helping you out all the time. But you have to have your mind set on, do you want to be the worker or do you want to be the boss? Take advantage right now while you are still young.