What were your earliest and happiest childhood memories while growing up in Mexico?
My memories growing up in Mexico were at times sad and happy because my family was really poor and suffer economically. Even though my family was
poor my family was always full with love because being poor united my family even more. I really appreciate life and the values life has taught me.
I remember at a very young age I started to work and I would still go to school. I would wash people windshields for just a couple of coins and sell
newspaper, so I could help my parents out with a little bit of money I made. I never kept the money because I knew it would help my mom to buy food for
the family. I remember just having my belly full of beans and potatoes with chile would make me so happy because back then just having food on your
table was survival. When I was a child I remember the happiness day of my life was every Saturday which my dad brought home a kilo of meat so my mom
could do for dinner for all eleven of the family. I remember calling every Saturday a fiesta.
What do you remember most growing up in Piedras Negras, Coahila Mexico?
What I remember about growing up in Piedras Nergas the importance of value, family and home which was thought to me in very young age. As a child they
taught me at school how to be patriotic to our country and to our flag and always remember to be proud to be a Mexicano.
What memory do you have of your father and mother as child?
My father and mother were really hard workers; my dad worked all day in construction and my mother would clean house, wash and iron other people clothes
so they could support the family.
How was your relationship with your siblings?
The relationship that I had with my brothers and sisters was nice we were always united and we all loved each. Like, every family we would get mad but
we knew it was important to always stay together in the, good and bad.
Did you go to school in Pierdas Negras, if yes what schools did you attend while living in Pierdas Negras?
Yes I did attended school when I lived in Pierdas Negras I went Miguel Ignazio Altamirano and La Escuela Tecnica Industrial.
Why did you only went up until the twelve grade?
The reason why I only went up to the twelve grade because when you go up to the university level you have to pay all the experience and tuition
it not cheap to go to University at Mexico unless you are rich and able to afford it. I did not have the privilege to continue my education because my
parents could not afford it. After high school I started training for the military serivce in Meixco I went for 6 months and I came back home and I had to start working to help my family.
Were you the only one in the family that went to school?
Yes, I was the only one in my family that went to school because I was the one of youngest in my family and my parents and my older brother and sisters
paid for my schooling.
What were some of the jobs you had as a young man, when you lived in Mexico?
The kinds of jobs I had when I lived in Mexico were working in construction with my dad and my last in year in high school which was twelve grade year
I took one course on electricity which I loved. I was a fast learner and I had new goals for myself which was to succeed. Then later on that same year
the principal of the school gave me a position as an electronics teacher there at the school I was really happy and excited because I was teaching others
students the same age as me. But at the end the year, I had to give up my position because I did not have a degree for teaching so I had to quit even
though I was good for the job. I was not able to continue my education because it was too expensive to go to college in Mexico so I have to start working with
my dad in construction again.
How much money per week were you making when you worked in construction and as electronic teacher?
I remember my pay was really little when I worked in construction in Pierdas Nergas I would get paid $100 pesos a week which was $10 dollars and as a
electronic teacher I would get paid $250 pesos a week which was $25 dollars.It was really hard to survive with the salary I made, because it was so little.
What would do with your money when you got paid?
When I got paid, I would give my entire check to my mother because I wanted to help my parents in any way I could. I knew my family situation, I knew
giving my check to my mom would help buy food or anything we needed in the house. I never spent anything on myself because I knew just helping was
enough for me.
When was the first time you had heard of the United States?
The first time I heard about the United States I was over hearing an adult conversation. I remember picturing the United States as place full with money
and when I heard the word I pictured food because that was one thing throughout my life I suffer with not having the luxury to eat well each day because
I was poor.
When did you come to the United States?
When I first came to the United States in the year 1973 with a visa, I came over here looking for new opportunities. I first settle in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin with my wife and I started to work in the fields. All my children were born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin a city that let me start a new life.
What reasons did you have for wanting to live in the United States?
The reason I wanted to live in the United States was for better opportunities for me and my family. I did not want to live in misery anymore, and I want to
able to support my family and be able to give them the things I was not able to have.
What were your hopes?
My hopes were to be successful in life by progressing and to not stay stuck. I wanted that one day my children can reach their goals that I couldn’t reach.
I had a dream to accomplish my goals and wanted to accomplish them but I was not able to. But I notice that many children did many goals that I wanted to
do which was finishing college, getting their degrees and being professional individuals which I am really proud of.
What were your fears as a new immigrant?
My fear as immigrant was being in other country not knowing the language and new customs. Another fear I had not being accepted and treated differently
because I was Mexicano coming from Mexico.
When you first got here to United States what was your first job you had?
My first job was working in the Milwaukee, Wisconsin in the
fields picking cucumbers and cabbage. I realized that working in the fields is a hard job
and not many people like doing. Years later, I also worked in factory cleaning all kinds of vegetables.
When you worked in the fields were you treated badly?
……. Yes, I was treated badly because there were times that I would work all day in the sun and sometimes in the rain without breaks or pay. It did not
matter to my boss if the workers were tired or hungry, what matter to him was the money. I remember working in horrible conditions and there was never
time to rest. My boss was a kind of person that was mean and cruel and never happy with the job that the workers did. When you worked in the fields was
it only you working? No, it was not only me working in the fields it was also my wife and my children. I hated the fact I had to take my children with
me to work because they had to see the evil side of people. Sometime we were called names like aliens, mojados, and Mexicans in sarcastic manner. I would
get upset because they made fun of us and made it seem if we were from another planet. It was like if we weren’t counted as humans.
What accomplishments are you most proud of?
The accomplishment I am most proud of was the young man that came from Mexico has now grown into man, I am now living well and I am happy. I have a wife
that loves me and my family that loves me and I wouldn’t change this for anything in the world. All my children all went to school and finished high school,
and some of them already finished college which makes me really happy.Everything that has happened to me is like a dream come true because throughout god’s
blessing my children were able to accomplish their goals and my goals.If you have the will you are able to accomplish anything and it does not matter if
you’re Hispanic with brown skin if you have “WILL” you are able to face any obstacle.
If you could change something about your life what would you change?
……This question is hard to answer because I thank god that all my decision in life I did correct. God is the one who help me throughout my life by given
me a wonderful wife and family. He has given me everything. Now I am a resident here United States because of children and would not change anything that
god has bless me with because it took me tears, sacrifice and hard work.
Is there anything else you would like to add to this interview?
I always wish for a better life and thank god for giving me chance for a better life. Sometimes I say my journey in life is over but it is not over until
god says it is over. I still go back sometimes to my beautiful homeland Piedras Negras, Mexico to visit my family and friends.
Piedras Negras, Coahila Mexico http://www.piedrasnegras.gob.mx/. This site informs you about the history of Piedras, Negras and everything you would need to know if someday you wish to visit.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milwaukee,_Wisconsin. This site informs you about Milwaukee, Wisconsin and everything you want to know about the city.
fields picking http://www.wisconsinstories.org/2002season/passing/closer_look.cfm. This site informs you about migrant farm workers in Wisconsin.
pesos http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexican_peso. This site informs you about the history of the pesos and how much a pesos is worth.
Residenthttp://www.foreignborn.com/visas_imm/immigrant_visas/change_of_status/2-becoming_pr.htm.This web site informs you how you can become a resident in the United States.
Piedras Nergas, Coahuila http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piedras_Negras,_Coahuila. This site informs you about Piedras, Negras and also interesting facts about the city.