- Oral History

Manuel "Meno" Dominguez

A proud and hardworking Mexican-American man

Manuel Dominguez in _the Kitchen_____________ at the ____house________________ (19__)

Somerset, Texas

March 2010

Yesenia Banuelos

Palo Alto College

History 1302 - Spring 2010





Manuel Dominguez was born to Gergoria and Pablo Dominguez on June 28 1936. He has one brother and one sister that are younger than him. Unlike regular children he had to work all his life and support his family. His father was not in the picture. His father just walked out on them and he has nothing to say about his father. Manuel birth name was Pablo but he changed it because he didn't want the name of his father. It was easy for him because he was not register. He never attended school and he doesn't regret it because he knew his duty was to help out. At the age of 18, he left to the United State by himself. He traveled for a week with a group of people. He spend 3 day in the desert of Arizona. He made his way to Alamosa, Colorado and got a job at a ranch. He would plant the crops and feed the animals. He traveled back to his family at after 9 years later and that where he met Josefina. At first he thought she was ugly and got with her for fun but then she started to get beautiful and eventually ask her to married her. He had six children but it was hard for them because he had to always have to leave to make money in The United States. Eventually when his children got old them, he took them one by one. It was easier for his children to stay because their wifes followed them too. They all stayed there with him until they got their own place, some of them traveled far. Manuel is now living in Somerset Texas with his wife. He is really happy because all his children are here except one but still visits.




How was your childhood?
I didn't really have a childhood because my dad had left us at a really early age. I didn't have a normal childhood. I had to work at a really young age. I didn't have time to play with my friends or go where they went

What was your favorite childhood memory?
My favorite memory was that the day my mom took us to the river to play. I was swinging on a rope that was tied up to a tree and I spilled my mom soap into the river by accident and for a month we had to wear smelly cloths.

Manuel and Josefa, In the park relaxing, Mexico, 1989

What where you doing in this picture
we took the childeren to the park and we were there for hours so we took a blankt with us. Your grandmather couldn't take care of the six childeren.

Did u have a outhouse and did you have a restroom?
Well if you want to call it a house. It looked like a box from the outside. It only had two windows and had no rooms and no doors. We would use long curtains to separate us form my mom and sister space. We had only two beds so we had to share. We didn't have a restroom. If you had to go you would have to go into the woods and find a bush.

Were you ever scared to go to the restroom?
I was not I knew how to protect myself from the animals. Unlike my sister and brother. I had to get up at night and walk them.

What would you do for fun?
I would not really do much because there was nothing to do. The only thing was going to the river and the bars nearby.

Where would your family get their supplies?
Well the closes town was about thirty minutes away. The town had two store that supply little town like us.

Manuel, opening a gift, At his son house, 1992

What can you say about this picture?
This was the first christmas that all the family was together and actually let them take a picture.

At what age did you come to the United States and why?
I was eighteen when I came to America. I came over here to give my family a better life. I knew that I would make more money over here and that way I would send the money to them so my mom didn't have to work as much.

Where did you work over there in Mexico?
I would work at a nearby farm but not make enough money to put my sister and brother through school.

Where you scared when you crossed over here?
I was scared because I have heard so many stories about people dying and getting caught and put into jail but I knew I had to do it for my family. I thought that i would would drown in the river.

How was your crossing and what did you have to go through to get here.
Well it was every hard at first. I had to cross the river and the current was not that bad. I knew how to swim so could do it. The hard part was that you couldn't make so much noise has you were doing it. After that we had to travel for a week on foot. We spend 3 day walking through the Arizona desert.

Manuel and Josefina, at church, Praying, 1995

What did you eat on the way?
Well I traveled in a group. So we all shared what we had. The main thing that I would eat would be bread and a little drink of water. I was hard to try not to drink the water but I had to be smart about it. As the day s went day we would eat less and less.

What did you think on the way?
I would thing about my family and my dad. I would think that it's all for them and it would in courage me to continue. And my dad I would think how much I hated him because if he was here I would have to give up so much of my childhood and get separated from my family because he would be helping out.

What did you end up at and what was the first thing you did?
We got to a house on a ranch. From there it was up to us to go our own ways. The first thing I did was fall on my knees and cry. Of course no one saw me but I was so happy I was finally here.

Manuel and Josefina,making memorys picture studio, 1992?

Where did you work when you got here? Did you like it?
I worked in a ranch for many years in Alamosa, Colorado. I would plant the crops and feed the animals. I enjoyed it because it was a beautiful place and once in awhile there would be deer running around and I would enjoy chasing them off.

Did you ever go back to Mexico?
Yes I went back many times over there. That is how I met your grandma. I would go to see how my family was doing and enjoy myself in my vacation time.

How did you meet her and how did you feel?
Well I met here at a store when I was with my friends. At first I thought she was ugly as they came. I got with her for the fun of it. But eventually she started to get beautiful and I fell in love. I married her and had six children.

What was the greatest thing that ever happens to you in America?
Well I would have to say the day I got my visa in 1988. Finally I didn't have to travel so much or get permission to come. I didn't really like get the permission to come because I always had to come back when they said to.

How did your wife and children get here?
Well I had to fix for them to get here. I had to sign for paper work and stuff. It took a very long time for that but they would come anyways. But if they ever got caught the paper work would be cancel.

How did you get here in Texas?
Well one by one the family moved down from Colorado to Texas. I fix for them to be here so we could all be together. So where ever they would go I would follow.

If you could go back to Mexico to live would you? Why or why not?
I would not because my family is now here and this is where I want to be. The only thing that I would do is visit

Is there anything else you would like to add to this interview?
I would like to say that I don't regret what I did in the past because all of those events made my life this way. I am happy for myself for what I have achieve so many thing. The main thing I am proud of is having my family together.




During this interview I got to understand my grandfather even more. I am very proud of myself and what I achieve during the interview. I learned about his struggles in life and his achievements. The most important part of this presentation is the events that lead him to be the man he is now. I learned that he really did struggle during the process of getting to the United States. I also learned about how he felt and how he overcame some many obstacles in his life. At the beginning of the interview I thought it was going to be boring and that he was going to talk nonstop but as it started I became so interest that I was the one asking questions nonstop. I found out about his true feeling that he hadn't even told his own kids about. He had a sad voice as he spoke about the things he saw in the interview. We even had to stop the interview for a day. From the story that he told me I got a sense of what make people want to come a long way in which you risk your own life to make your love one's life better in the process. I never doubted his story one bet because of the news. I saw how people dead body just lied there in the deserts. The benefit of learning about your past is the feeling of being proud of your ancestors or family member because without them we wouldn't be where we are. I think that this is a good way of learning about you past because it give you a chance to show people your past and learn in the process of doing so. Overall I just want to say I enjoyed learning about my grandfather.












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. Utilize a minimum of three sources from U.S. History Matters: A Student Guide to U.S. History Online. Here are five examples of annotated sources plus a source for photos/documents.



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