Why did you, your family, decide to come to Texas?
Daddy's health, doctor said he need to get to a dry climate, either Arizona or Texas.
How did you manage to leave everything, what were some things that you would have taken if you could?
Really was nothing that I could remember, we went just a little way the first day and the trailer broke down. We had to stop to at my aunt's house and leave some canned goods.
We left some books and stuff like that, to lighten the trailer, because it was too much weight.
Did you experience any hostile towns, people, or animals?
No, we stayed in the camps and everybody was real nice. Some of the camps were nicer than others but everyone was always real nice.
How and when did you sleep?
Daddy had built in the trailer bunks across the back, we slept there or in the car, cause there were so many of us. Sometimes we would have to sleep two or three to a bed.
Did you go to church?
Yep, we went to church every Sunday. We traveled during the week Monday through Friday. Saturday was cooking and cleaning day. Daddy would go out on Saturday and find a chruch. We always
went to the Christian Church. It was different in the South, cause we went to the Church of Christ up in Ohio, but they didn't have music in the South. The Christian Church was like the churches in the north.
Did you have playtime?
Yes, not a lot but we were traveling. Mostly we had chores we had to do. We would play with each other.
Did you have to stop and make any money?
No, Daddy had saved money.
Was there anything that you liked about traveling?
It was just a big fasination of seeing different parts of the country.
Was there anything that you disliked about traveling?
No, not really, cause we still like to travel. Always something new to see.
What were your hardships like?
Nobody had any money and everyone lived like they could. They accepted it, and moved on.
Did you experience any of the effects of the Dust Bowl?
No, but I heard about it. It never did affect us.
Was there any "life lessons" that you learned and that you now keep with you years later?
You just get along with everybody. There were so many of us you just had to get along with everyone.
Was traveling during the Great Depression era hard or did you even experience the effects?
You really don't notice it. Everybody is in the same boat that you are in. You didn't know any different. It didn't bother you.
Things could have been easier but it didn't really bother us.
>When you arrived in Texas was it anything like you imagined?
Daddy had built some seats in the trailer over the wheels, and I remember looking out the window
and seeing a license plate Texas. I remember they're going where we're comin'. Relatives thought it was going to be cowboys and Indians. Dry, barren country, was expected. There wasn't close towns
like up North.
Do you have anyting to add?
I never regretted moving to Texas. I never did miss the weather up North.
Medina Lake: The Edwards Aquifer Home Page. This page gives us some background of the lake and the history of the dam. ) Copyright (1995-2002) by Gregg Eckhardt
Lakehills, Texas: The Texas handbook online. Here you will find a breif discription of Lakehills and the directions where it is in Texas. Copyright ), The Texas State Historical Association, 1997-2002
Civil Service: History of the Civil Service, from the dynasites to the present. The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia Copyright ) 1994, 2000, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.